French Guiana Regional Natural Park, charter zoning (2012)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.01.20 06:38
Available languages
sites-proteges, donnees-ouvertes, zonages-nature, passerelle-inspire, audeg, dgtm, environment, guyane, grand-public, open-data
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Dataset description

The zoning of the charter of the PNRG is derived from the plan of the perimeter of ' study on which are delimited, according to heritage, the different areas where s' apply the guidelines and measures defined in the report and which characterises all the areas of the territory according to their nature and their dominant vocation. The charter no. #x27; entails no direct servitude or regulation to the citizen. On the other hand, territorial coherence schemes (SCOTs), local plans d' urban planning (PLU) or any document d' urban planning taking place and municipal maps must be compatible with the guidelines and measures of the park charter (see EC, 21 October 1997, Opinion No 361 028 and EC, 29 April 2009, No 293896). __Origin__ The zoning of the charter was carried out by the Agence d'Urbanisme (AUDEG former ARUAG), on behalf of the PNRG. It has been reformatted by DEAL to be consistent with the final perimeter of the park’s territory. __Partner organisations__ Deal Guyane, AUDEG — Agence d' Urbanism and Development of Guyana [See this page on](
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