FTTH Networks — Mutualisation Points

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.05.20 11:25
Available languages
fibre, reseaux, reseaux-de-telecommunication, armoire-de-rue, sro, ftth, telecoms, pmz, infrastructure
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This dataset represents the position of optical sub-distributors for the connection of subscribers to FTTH networks on metropolitan France. This data is obtained from a field collection and made available on OpenStreeMap. Your street cabinet, SR or PM don't appear? Add them! This data is produced by OpenStreetMap contributors and released under the OpenDatabase License (OdBL) license and may take over datasets already published by operators. The chosen standard is OpenStreetMap.More details are available on the project documentation SRO:https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Tag:telecom%3Dconnection_point The data are made available for information only without guarantee as to their degree of reliability. OpenStreetMap and Infos-Réseaux.com cannot, therefore, be held liable for any lack of reliability.The use of data is exclusive of compliance with any mandatory procedure and in particular with the procedures provided for by the so-called “DT-DICT” regulations relating to the execution of works in the vicinity of certain underground, aerial or underwater transport or distribution works (see Articles L. 554-1 et seq. and R. 554-1 et seq. of the Environmental Code). The use of the data cannot, moreover, exempt the user from having to ask operators for all operations relating to their public service tasks and in particular those aimed at assessing, by carrying out a pre-study or connection study, the impact on the telecommunications networks linked to the connection of a possible project. This dataset represents the position of optical sub-distributors for the connection of subscribers to FTTH networks on metropolitan France. This data is obtained from a field collection and made available on OpenStreeMap. Your street cabinet, SR or PM don't appear? Add them! This data is produced by OpenStreetMap contributors and released under the OpenDatabase License (OdBL) license and may take over datasets already published by operators. The chosen standard is OpenStreetMap. More details are available on the project documentation SRO: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Tag:telecom%3Dconnection_point The data are made available for information only without guarantee as to their degree of reliability. OpenStreetMap and Infos-Réseaux.com cannot, therefore, be held liable for any lack of reliability. The use of data is exclusive of compliance with any mandatory procedure and in particular with the procedures provided for by the so-called “DT-DICT” regulations relating to the execution of works in the vicinity of certain underground, aerial or underwater transport or distribution works (see Articles L. 554-1 et seq. and R. 554-1 et seq. of the Environmental Code). The use of the data cannot, moreover, exempt the user from having to ask operators for all operations relating to their public service tasks and in particular those aimed at assessing, by carrying out a pre-study or connection study, the impact on the telecommunications networks linked to the connection of a possible project.
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