GPSO-funded social housing renovations

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.09.08 05:15
Available languages
subventions, sevres, ville-davray, boulogne-billancourt, financement, chaville, dashboards, logements-sociaux, renovations-energetiques, habitat, meudon, rehabilitation
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Renovations of social housing financed by the Territory of Grand Paris Seine Ouest. GPSO’s social park is generally in good condition of comfort. It is more recent than the territory’s private housing stock, with almost half of the dwellings built from 1975 onwards, compared to one third in the private park. However, some buildings show signs of ageing that lead to an increase in rental charges, particularly energy, which is problematic in view of the resources of some tenants in place. GPSO can provide grants to social lenders wishing to rehabilitate part of their conventional park. The amounts awarded per dwelling may vary depending on the project carried out (acquisition-improvement or simple renovation). The proposed data indicate for each programme: * amount of grant awarded per operation * name of beneficiary social landlord * title of operation and city in which the program is located * date of deliberation of the Community Council or of the territory granting the grant
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