ICPE: sites A,E,S managed by DREAL in Pays de la Loire

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.01.19 06:38
Available languages
open-data, passerelle-inspire, activite-industrielle, donnees-ouvertes, environment, pays-de-la-loire, dreal, grand-public
Quality scoring

Dataset description

In France, some facilities present dangers or disadvantages to the convenience of residents, health, safety, public health, agriculture, the protection of nature and the environment, the conservation of sites and monuments. Therefore, installations under the licensing regime are monitored by the State authorities. These undertakings are listed under the name ‘plants classified for the protection of the environment — ICPE’. Before the commissioning of their activity(s), they must obtain a prefectural agreement to operate. This map also lists sites formerly subject to authorisation now shut down, but this database may not be exhaustive for sites that ceased operations several years ago or for those subject to simple declaration whose follow-up is carried out in the first place by the prefecture’s services. Article L 514-20 of the Code of l'environment specifies: Where an installation subject to authorisation “or registration” has been operated on a land, the seller of this land is required to inform the buyer in writing; it also informs, to the extent that it knows them, the significant dangers or disadvantages that result from exploitation. " If the seller is the operator of the facility, he shall also inform the buyer in writing whether his activity has resulted in the handling or storage of chemical or radioactive substances. The deed of sale attests to the completion of this formality." ‘In default, and if a pollution found renders the land unsuitable for the destination specified in the contract, within two years of the discovery of the pollution, the buyer has the choice to request the termination of the sale or to have a part of the price returned; he may also request the rehabilitation of the site at the seller’s expense, where the cost of this rehabilitation does not appear to be disproportionate to the selling price. »" This text places the seller directly under the responsibility of the seller; inform sufficiently the buyer. As a result, this card is not intended to replace one or another of the stakeholders in a private transaction, but may provide data on the information identified in the database of the inspection of classified installations. Find out more http://www.pays-de-la-loire.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/installations-classees-r243.html http://www.installationsclassees.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/ __Origin__ The data come from the siiic application (system d' information of classified installations). Geolocation is carried out by DREAL Pays de la Loire on the basis of the Lambert coordinates indicated in the extraction. The filter assigned for this data is: — Regime of the establishment = (A, E or S) — Service = DREAL Coordinates can have several levels of accuracy: — Common centroid: the coordinates were automatically entered by a point in the centre of the municipality — Postal address: the coordinates have been determined by geocoding of the n°#x27; address of the n°#x27; establishment — Precise coordinates: the coordinates actually correspond to the location of the establishment (seizure on orthophotographic background) — Initial coordinates: the coordinates have been taken from GIDIC and their accuracy is unknown. The field "precision " or &Quality of geolocation" contains one or another of these values. __Partner organisations__ DREAL Pays de la Loire __Links annexes__ * [basketDownloadFrontalParametrage](https://catalogue.sigloire.fr/geosource/panierDownloadFrontalParametrage?LAYERIDTS=106229) [See this page on geo.data.gouv.fr](https://geo.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/5503b37393bf6706743fb14680e61b61d52c8bb8)
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