ICPE: Waste storage places in Pays de la Loire

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.01.24 06:38
Available languages
grand-public, donnees-ouvertes, passerelle-inspire, open-data, pays-de-la-loire, environment, risques-technologiques, dreal, activite-industrielle
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Dataset description

In France, certain facilities operated by companies or communities in particular present dangers or disadvantages to the convenience of residents, health, safety, public health, agriculture, the protection of nature and the environment, the conservation of sites and monuments. Therefore, they are subject to a specific regulatory framework and may be inspected by the State or by private bodies for the least sensitive installations subject to periodic inspection. To that end, those installations are listed under the heading ‘Categorised installations for environmental protection — ICPE’. Depending on their level of nuisance and/or dangerousness, these ICPEs operate either under a regime of Authorisation (A), Registration (E), Declaration with Control (DC) or Declaration (D) The files of applications for authorisation to operate or to register, filed in the prefecture by the operators, shall be examined by the inspection services: . of the DREAL: for future industrial establishments DDPPs: for future livestock or agri-food establishments There are around 20 000 ICPEs in the Pays-de-la-Loire region: — 5,000 followed by DREAL — 15,000 followed by DDPPs Observation: ICPEs under the Declaration are followed by departmental prefectures. Although some of them appear on this map, this census is not exhaustive and we encourage you to contact the prefectures for more information. Different categories of ICPE can be downloaded from SIGLOIRE: — IED ICPEs — The ICPEs — Seveso — ICPEs A, E and S — The ICPEs — Silos — The ICPEs — TAR — The ICPEs — Careers — ICPEs — Waste storage __Origin__ The waste storage data is an extraction of S3IC filtered on the headings in force: — 2720: Storage of waste from prospecting, mining, processing and storage of mineral resources and quarrying — 2760: Waste storage facility other than those mentioned in heading 2720 — 1735: Deposit, storage or storage of radioactive substances Geolocation is carried out by DREAL Pays de la Loire on the basis of the Lambert coordinates indicated in the extraction. These coordinates can have several levels of accuracy: — Common centroid: the coordinates were automatically entered by a point in the centre of the municipality — Postal address: the coordinates have been determined by geocoding of the n°#x27; address of the n°#x27; establishment — Precise coordinates: the coordinates actually correspond to the location of the establishment (seizure on orthophotographic background) — Initial coordinates: the coordinates have been taken from GIDIC and their accuracy is unknown. The field "precision " or &Quality of geolocation" contains one or another of these values. __Partner organisations__ DREAL Pays de la Loire __Links annexes__ * [basketDownloadFrontalParametrage](https://catalogue.sigloire.fr/geosource/panierDownloadFrontalParametrage?LAYERIDTS=6077156) [See this page on geo.data.gouv.fr](https://geo.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/0dae9003ae0cb96b1ff66398526c1c58599ddcdc)
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