**>>> warning of 19/09/2022:**
** please note that Onisep no longer disseminates on this open data website the offer of apprenticeship training, which it does not ensure its exhaustive collection.
A decree now entrusts this collection to the Carif-Oref.For more information on the official data on this perimeter, see [our News](http://opendata.onisep.fr/actualite/53/8-apprentissage-les-jeux-open-data-onisep-evoluent.htm).**
**This game has also been upgraded to version 2.3 of the Lhéo XML language.For more information see:
<http://lheo.gouv.fr/2.3/changements.html#changements> and [our News](http://opendata.onisep.fr/actualite/54/8-langage-lheo-xml-de-la-version-2.2-a-la-version-2.3.htm).**
The initial general or vocational training** remains the perimeter of the Onisep, for young people in the first orientation stage, at different stages of their school curriculum.
(end of 3 rd class or terminal class).
A “**Training Action**” (AF) in the sense of Onisep is the implementation of training in a registered and localised establishment. This concept often coincides with the term “Training Offer” sometimes used by other organisations.
**Perimeter of this game**:
the initial training actions thus defined by Onisep for the **Grand Est region** and offered mainly **under school or student status**.
Attention, since September 2022, this dataset no longer includes the training actions offered in apprenticeships, nor the possible learning modality of the training actions offered in other forms.
These initial training actions are described in a **Lheo XML format** (version 2.3).
The standardised Lhéo XML format or language documented on a dedicated website (‘http://lheo.gouv.fr’) facilitates exchanges and data flows between organisations dealing with training description and orientation issues.
Apart from the 2 main normative information circles of the Lhéo language (‘http://lheo.gouv.fr/description’), and to better meet the needs of its stakeholders and priority partners on issues and needs of primary guidance or data flows, Onisep also adds **non-mandatory extension elements or special ‘extra’** tags provided by data extracted from its information systems.
Example of an Onisep extension element for a structure related to an AF:
> <EXTRAS INFO=“ETAB ONISEP” URI=“CONTENT://E70C51AD-77EE-46E5-8600-F54E4C02DACA” TIMESTAMP-CREATION=“2020-06-06T02:31:06.460Z” TIMESTAMP-MODIFICATION=“2022-07-08T09:12:32.917Z”>>
> ‘extra info=“STATUT”’public‘/extra’
> ‘extra info=“TYPE\_ETABLISSEMENT”’lycée GT‘/extra’
Example of an Onisep extension element for training related to an AF:
> <EXTRAS INFO=“FORMATION ONISEP” URI=“CONTENT://8AA99AC1-87D3-422E-9AEC-3219AC081696” TIMESTAMP-CREATION=“2020-06-06T07:58:46.684Z” TIMESTAMP-MODIFICATION=“2022-07-20T11:27:12.025Z”>>
> ‘extra info=“TYPE\_FORMATION\_LIBELLE”’Senior Technician Patent‘/extra’
Example of an Onisep extension element for AF-related routes:
> <EXTRA INFO=“PARCOURS ACTION ONISEP” URI=“CONTENT://682E1C9D-4A9E-4938-960A-23C233A7DD14” TIMESTAMP-CREATION=“2020-06-06T19:47:12.598Z” TIMESTAMP-MODIFICATION=“2020-06-06T19:47:12.652Z”>>
> ‘extra info=“LIBELLE PARCOURS ACTION ONISEP”’social dynamics and territories‘/extra’
> ‘extra info=“SITUATION PARCOURS ACTION ONISEP”’master 1‘/extra’
> ‘extra info=“SITUATION PARCOURS ACTION ONISEP”’master 2‘/extra’
> ‘/EXTRA’
> ‘extra info=“LIBELLE PARCOURS ACTION ONISEP”’professionals of sociology, research and study</extra>
> ‘extra info=“SITUATION PARCOURS ACTION ONISEP”’master 1‘/extra’
> ‘extra info=“SITUATION PARCOURS ACTION ONISEP”’master 2‘/extra’
> ‘/EXTRA’
**Updates:** This game will be updated approximately **ten times a year**, at the pace of the orientation schedule and updates to Onisep.fr.
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