(Ind210-1) Estimated damage to buildings of public establishments in flood zone (2019)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.09.03 06:38
Available languages
erosion, zones-a-risque-naturel, dommages, donnees-ouvertes, risques-et-territoires, submersion-marine, vulnerabilite-aux-inondations, passerelle-inspire, vulnerabilite-et-resilience, prevention-des-inondations, cerema, etablissements-publics, risques-naturels, geoscientific-information, indicateur-de-vulnerabilite
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This indicator measures the vulnerability of public buildings in floodable areas by calculating the damage to which these buildings are likely to be exposed. The result is expressed in the number of buildings and in KEUR, per municipality. __Origin__ The data used for the calculation of this indicator are as follows: — the municipal administrative division from the base &ADMIN EXPRESS" 2018 (source: IGN), — zoning of the hazards of the Bourgneuf Sud, Pays de Monts and Noirmoutier PPRLs (source: DDTM85), — zoning of l'aira TRI (iso height) for the municipalities of Loire-Atlantique (source: DREAL PDL), — the Topo comic — themes "Building & and &Zone of activities " (source: IGN), — the function of damage to public establishments in the guide “multi-criteria analysis of flood prevention projects” which expresses a cost per m², water height and duration of submersion according to the nature of the establishment (school, fire and rescue, municipal technical centre, town halls,...). Furniture is included in the cost except for medical centers. (source: CGDD, MTES), — the data on the departmental agencies and operating centres of the CD85 — no location on the 2 municipalities of 44 — (source: CD85). __Partner organisations__ CEREMA [See this page on geo.data.gouv.fr](https://geo.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/d3e4cf71d9c1ebb42d9b1f6c2feeb324de7c691f)
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