Infracommunal less-favoured agricultural areas defined by Prefectoral Classification Order 2007 — Aveyron

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.28 06:45
Available languages
passerelle-inspire, farming, agriculture-zonages-agricoles, donnees-ouvertes
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Dataset description

Less-favoured agricultural areas are territories with specific natural and permanent natural and permanent handicaps (economic, agricultural, physical and demographic) related to the terrain, the altitude, the slope and the soil, in which the maintenance of #x27; agricultural activity is necessary for the maintenance of the #x27; natural area (see Directive 75/268/EEC). They carry the public policy of support to agriculture (ICHN aids) in its environmental and social functions which make it an important contributor to the sustainable development of the economy.The compensation for natural handicaps (ICHN) contribute to the maintenance of a viable rural community in disadvantaged areas and thus contribute to balance #x27; occupation of the territory by economic and human activities.Some of the national disadvantaged areas described in layer 0000129 are subdivided into subsets of disadvantaged areas sub-departmental or sub-communal, by prefectoral decree of disadvantaged areas. __Origin__ These data are derived from the census of wetlands of the department of Côte d'or carried out by the office of #x27; study Mosaic Environment in July 2008 on behalf of the Interservice Mission of Côte-d'or. In the first place the synthesis of existing knowledge has made it possible to identify and locate a large number of of wetlands, to have more precise information on some of them. The prospecting of it was then possible to verify and complete some of this information on a sample of areas. wet. Finally, a prioritisation of wetlands has made it possible to highlight those that present a strong interest. The area retained is greater than or equal to 1 000 m² (except grid pools and micro-scales). areas of remarkable interest) in accordance with the RMC Water Agency’s technical guides. __Partner organisations__ DDT Aveyron __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( [See this page on](
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