Innov’up Leader PIA Winners

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.04.06 15:24
Available languages
entreprises, culture, handicap, transport, industrie, eti, commerce, artisanat, innovation, developpement-durable, vie-economique-innovation, sante, pme, agriculture, education
Quality scoring

Dataset description

(/assets/theme_image/etat.png)!(/assets/theme_image/sgpi.jpg)!(/assets/theme_image/logoIDF2019.png)!(/assets/theme_image/bpi.png) **Innov’up Leader PIA** is a territorial declination of the Future Investment Program (PIA) The projects are co-financed equally by the State and the Île-de-France Region. The amount of funding granted to a company can range from EUR 100,000 to EUR 500 000. The aid shall represent a maximum of 50 % of eligible expenditure. It is paid for 2/3 in the form of a grant and for 1/3 in the form of a recoverable advance. The scheme finances innovative projects, whether technological or non-technological, of products or services, which offer a clear market view and whose project leader shows an ability to become a major player in the sector. Projects must fall within the sectors and themes of the Regional Economic Development, Innovation and Internationalisation Scheme (SRDEII): * Aeronautical, space and defence, * Agriculture, agri-food and nutrition, forestry, * Automobile and mobility, * Digital (including big data, high performance computing, cyber security, cultural and creative industries, digital infrastructure, artificial intelligence, internet of things, fintech, software, networks, smart grid), * Health (including biotechnology, medical devices, silver economy), * Tourism, sport and leisure, * Sustainable and smart city/region (including eco-activities, energy, bio-materials, (re)sustainable construction, waste, smart cities, services). The winning companies are SMEs or midcaps located in Île-de-France. Attention, on the map are located projects and not companies. *[SMES]: small and medium-sized enterprises *[ETI]: mid-cap companies
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