International opinion poll on climate change — Obs'COP

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Dataset information

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2022.10.24 14:02
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Dataset description

#### **summary:** Obs'COP 2020 — INTERNATIONAL CLIMATE AND PUBLIC OPINIONS The barometer of the perception of climate change in 30 countries. The fight against climate change is an existential issue that people seem to be aware of all over the world. To measure the progress of this mobilisation, to support the engagement of the population, EDF listens to public opinion in 30 countries and makes available all the results of this unpublished barometer produced by Ipsos. #### **detailed description:** Learn about the main lessons learned from these results Theme 1: Climate as a priority (Part A) Theme 2: Perception of climate change (Part B) Theme 3: CO2 production and energy (Part B) Theme 4: Mobilisation of stakeholders (Part C) Theme 5: Acting on a daily basis (part D) To get this study in more detail, i.e. the grid answering per respondent in each country, you can go here: [Obs'COP 2020 INTERNATIONAL CLIMAT AND PUBLIC OPINIONS.]( Source: This study is made available under the terms of [Creative Commons Attribution — No Commercial Use — Sharing in the Same Terms 4.0 International.]( All figures, tables, graphs and information contained in these documents and on the site may be reproduced and used provided that the source is cited: “Obs'COP — EDF/IPSOS — October 2020”. Exploitation and reproduction of prohibited brands and logos.
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