Inventory 2014 of the shops of the Pays de Rennes: commercial Cells

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2016.03.22 00:00
Available languages
commerce, commerce-des-plantes, promotion-du-commerce-et-de-lindustrie, commerce-de-detail, commerce-et-consommation, economie, commerce-des-animaux, commerce-dalimentation, distribution-commerciale
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Inventory of commercial units located in the 76 communes of the Pays de Rennes. A business unit or a business is a place that can receive the public. This inventory was carried out on the basis of the 2011 inventory data (2013 for 8 communes of the Pays de Rennes), supplemented by “field” surveys carried out by the Audiar at the end of 2014 as well as a cross-section with the SIRENE 2014S2 file. The data in this file are as of 31/12/2014. Unlike the 2011 inventory, the 2014 inventory was enriched by the company’s SIRET present in the sales unit at 31/12/2014. On the other hand, other more qualitative indicators on the trade unit were not updated: these include the estimated sales area (by tranche or clear), the state of the premises, the price range. Among the attributes: idcellcomm = Unique identifier of a business cell C_insee = INSEE Code of the municipality of establishment of commerce C_name = Name of the municipality of establishment of the trade a_num = Address number a_way = Name of route of establishment of trade address = Full literal address idsite = Identifier of the commercial attachment site. The room is considered isolated if the field is empty. sign = Register or registered name as of December 31, 2014. The name is “LOCAL VACANT” if the room is vacant. codeape = APE code of store activity. SIRET = SIRET code of the establishment activity = Labelled trade activity. act_grpe = Code for the grouping of activities from the nomenclature “Pivadis Activities”. surf_vtr = Estimated sales area in slices. This value is recovered from the 2011 version of the commercial cells, assuming that the surfaces did not change between 2011 and 2014. If the value is empty, it is not known (case of new business cells). > List of values: > 0 — not listed > 1 — less than 30 m² > 2-30 to 50 m² > 3-50 to 80 m² > 4-80 to 120 m² > 5-120 to 300 m² > 6 — more than 300 m² in an urban context > 7 — more than 300 m² (average or large areas — cubes)
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