(ISDND) Non-hazardous waste storage facilities in Pays de la Loire

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.04.30 22:05
Available languages
dechets, teo, environnement
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This is a survey carried out every 2 years, alternating with the intercommunal structure survey, of the operators of the waste treatment facilities (ITOM): sorting, thermal and biological treatment, storage of non-hazardous waste. The objective of this survey is to interview the operators of the facilities in order to monitor the evolution of tonnages and the evolution of the fleet. The survey shall cover installations: open at least one day in the year under investigation not dedicated to a particular company or customer authorised under the legislation on classified installations located in metropolitan France and in the overseas departments, excluding TOMs receiving at least waste collected by local authorities and possibly waste from other types of collection. The survey does not include waste disposal facilities, installations dedicated to the treatment of hazardous waste, inert waste storage centres, transfer centres and recycling units such as glassware, stationery, steel mills. Origin Data recovery on the adema site: [sinoe.org](http://sinoe.org/)
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