Dataset information
Available languages
demande-d-emploi, assurance-chomage
Dataset description
Data on jobseekers can be used to construct various indicators, which relate to their characteristics at the end of the month (distribution by enrolment category, age groups, gender, seniority on the lists), flows of entries and exits from the lists. **Categories of jobseekers**
Data on jobseekers enrolled in the Employment Centre are presented according to the following statistical categories:
Category A:
jobseekers are required to do positive job-seeking actions, unemployed during the month.
Category B:
jobseekers required to do positive job-seeking actions, having been in a short reduced activity (by 78 hours or less during the month).
Category C:
jobseekers required to do positive job-seeking actions, having been in a long reduced activity (over 78 hours during the month).
Category D:
jobseekers who are not required to do positive job-seeking actions, unemployed. They may be on traineeship or training, in sickness, under a professional security contract (CSP).
Category E:
jobseekers who are not required to do positive job-seeking actions, in employment (e.g. beneficiaries of assisted contracts, start-ups).
These statistical categories, used for publication purposes, come from a grouping of the operational categories used by Pôle emploi in its management of the lists of jobseekers. **Update of job seekers and creation of STMT files**
Every month, all persons enrolled in Pôleemploi (2) are required to update, via the information of their monthly status statement (DSM), their situation in order to maintain their registration on the lists and receive, if necessary, their allowance paid by Pôle emploi.
On this occasion, the jobseeker must provide information such as the number of hours worked during the past month and the remuneration received, the number of days of sick leave, the number of days of training, the amount collected for the military pension, etc. This various information may change the category of registration on the lists in which he is registered.
The jobseeker has a period of about 2 weeks to complete this formality.
The update periods for the whole year are published at the beginning of the year in the Official Journal, on the Employment Centre website and in the Employment Centre agencies. The rule is constant: for a given month, the update shall be opened the day after the third working day before the end of that month and shall be closed on the day before the 12nd working day of the following month.
**The updating process is highly automated and largely dematerialised:**
jobseekers are informed of the update mainly via the internet (, and for a marginal number of them, by mail; they have the choice of the media used to update them, mainly via the internet and telephone voice server, but also on the terminals present in the agencies Pôle emploi or by mail;
job seekers who have not updated their situation are re-launched by telephone, SMS, mail.
The monthly labour market statistics on employment demand are produced at the end of this update in accordance with a reference timetable drawn up each year.
At the end of the update, all the files that have been modified within the month (new entries, updates, updating of information...) are extracted for each Regional Directorate. Only files which have been the subject of a writing movement (creation or modification) during the reference period (period between the current extraction and the previous extraction) shall be extracted, provided that the date of movement is higher than the reference date of the previous extraction and less than or equal to the reference date of the new extraction.
The main indicators published on demand are:
the number of jobseekers registered at the end of the month in the Employment Centre divided according to different criteria (category, age, sex, region, etc.);
the number of entries and exits on the employment centre lists according to the reasons for registration or exit;
the number of long-term job applications (LDLDs);
The published series on jobseekers registered at Pôleemploi are seasonally adjusted and working days adjusted (CVS-CJO).
The working days and seasonal coefficients are revised in February of each year when all raw data for the previous year are available for this revision.
(1) The international definition provides for three conditions for being considered unemployed:
be unemployed (not employed or self-employed), be available for work, be looking for a job
(2) This obligation applies to all jobseekers, regardless of their category, except for the following exceptions:jobseekers seeking asylum, in sickness, in unpaid internships (training), in a CUI-assisted contract and not compensated, business starters benefiting from ARCE or ACCRE.
Furthermore, the update did not concern persons benefiting from the Job Search Exemption (DRE), who were not included in the Employment Centre lists.
This device has been closed since early 2012. Data on jobseekers can be used to construct various indicators, which relate to their characteristics at the end of the month (distribution by enrolment category, age groups, gender, seniority on the lists), flows of entries and exits from the lists.
**Categories of jobseekers**
Data on jobseekers enrolled in the Employment Centre are presented according to the following statistical categories:
Category A:jobseekers are required to do positive job-seeking actions, unemployed during the month.
Category B:
jobseekers required to do positive job-seeking actions, having been in a short reduced activity (by 78 hours or less during the month).
Category C:
jobseekers required to do positive job-seeking actions, having been in a long reduced activity (over 78 hours during the month).
Category D:
jobseekers who are not required to do positive job-seeking actions, unemployed.They may be on traineeship or training, in sickness, under a professional security contract (CSP).
Category E:
jobseekers who are not required to do positive job-seeking actions, in employment (e.g. beneficiaries of assisted contracts, start-ups).
These statistical categories, used for publication purposes, come from a grouping of the operational categories used by Pôle emploi in its management of the lists of jobseekers.
**Update of job seekers and creation of STMT files**
Every month, all persons enrolled in Pôleemploi (2) are required to update, via the information of their monthly status statement (DSM), their situation in order to maintain their registration on the lists and receive, if necessary, their allowance paid by Pôle emploi.
On this occasion, the jobseeker must provide information such as the number of hours worked during the past month and the remuneration received, the number of days of sick leave, the number of days of training, the amount collected for the military pension, etc. This various information may change the category of registration on the lists in which he is registered.
The jobseeker has a period of about 2 weeks to complete this formality.
The update periods for the whole year are published at the beginning of the year in the Official Journal, on the Employment Centre website and in the Employment Centre agencies.The rule is constant:
for a given month, the update shall be opened the day after the third working day before the end of that month and shall be closed on the day before the 12nd working day of the following month.
**The updating process is highly automated and largely dematerialised:**
jobseekers are informed of the update mainly via the internet (, and for a marginal number of them, by mail;
they have the choice of the media used to update them, mainly via the internet and telephone voice server, but also on the terminals present in the agencies Pôle emploi or by mail;
job seekers who have not updated their situation are re-launched by telephone, SMS, mail.
The monthly labour market statistics on employment demand are produced at the end of this update in accordance with a reference timetable drawn up each year.
At the end of the update, all the files that have been modified within the month (new entries, updates, updating of information...) are extracted for each Regional Directorate.
Only files which have been the subject of a writing movement (creation or modification) during the reference period (period between the current extraction and the previous extraction) shall be extracted, provided that the date of movement is higher than the reference date of the previous extraction and less than or equal to the reference date of the new extraction.
The main indicators published on demand are:
the number of jobseekers registered at the end of the month in the Employment Centre divided according to different criteria (category, age, sex, region, etc.); the number of entries and exits on the employment centre lists according to the reasons for registration or exit;
the number of long-term job applications (LDLDs);
The published series on jobseekers registered at Pôleemploi are seasonally adjusted and working days adjusted (CVS-CJO). The working days and seasonal coefficients are revised in February of each year when all raw data for the previous year are available for this revision.
(1) The international definition provides for three conditions for being considered unemployed:
be unemployed (not employed or self-employed), be available for work, be looking for a job
(2) This obligation applies to all jobseekers, regardless of their category, except for the following exceptions:
jobseekers seeking asylum, in sickness, in unpaid internships (training), in a CUI-assisted contract and not compensated, business starters benefiting from ARCE or ACCRE.
Furthermore, the update did not concern persons benefiting from the Job Search Exemption (DRE), who were not included in the Employment Centre lists.
This device has been closed since early 2012.
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