KALI: National collective agreements

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.04.15 17:31
Available languages
dila, salaires, accords-collectifs, convention-collective, accord-collectif, bulletin-officiel, syndicats, droit-du-travail
Quality scoring

Dataset description

All collective agreements and associated texts. The database also provides access to certain non-extended national collective agreements as well as regional, departmental and non-extended collective agreements. The associated texts include agreements related to a collective agreement, salaries and extension orders. The data are updated from the Official Bulletin “Collective Agreements” published under the responsibility of the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Public Service and disseminated by DILA. [To access the directory of KALI data under the ftp protocol click here](ftp://echanges.dila.gouv.fr/KALI/) **Note! the closure of the FTP protocol is scheduled for April 30, 2021.** **To access the data directory under ftps, contact Dila’s Data Administration department at the following address:** [[email protected]]([email protected]) **DTD Reference: DTD LEGIFRANCE** The bases LEGI, KALI, JORF, CAPP, CASS, INCA, JADE, DOLE, ACCO, CNIL and CONSTIT have generic DTDs in common and specific DTDs. The modification of a generic DTD can therefore impact different bases. To simplify the management of DTD updates of these bases and to facilitate the consideration of impacts with each change of one of the DTDs, DILA makes available a single repository of DTDs of all these bases. This repository, named DTD LEGIFRANCE contains a DTD_Legifrance folder. This file shall include: —All generic and specific DTDs of the legal bases (excluding CIRCULAR) applicable on the date indicated in the file name; —A generic technical document for all bases; —A table LEGIFRANCE_20170711_dtd_map.xlsx which presents a view of the necessary DTDs by base and an impact view that indicates by DTD the impacts on the different bases. With each change in a DTD, a new file is published in the directory to replace the old one; it bears the date of updating the repository. An indication of the modified DTDs will also be provided. [To access the DTD LEGIFRANCE directory under the ftp protocol click here](ftp://echanges.dila.gouv.fr/DTD_LEGIFRANCE/) You can write us or subscribe to an alert by email to: [[email protected]]([email protected])
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