Level crossings from OpenStreetMap

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.04.26 18:37
Available languages
passage, rail, passage-a-niveau, route, sncf
Quality scoring

Dataset description

List of level crossings in metropolitan France and the overseas territories. **Licence** This data is derived from crowdsourcing by contributors to the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project. They are licensed under the ODbL license which requires sharing in the same way and the mandatory attribution statement must be “© OpenStreetMap contributors under the ODbL license” in accordance with the license detailed on page [http://osm.org/copyright](http://osm.org/copyright). **Use of data** In OpenStreetMap grade crossings are marked ‘railway=level_crossing’ and all associated data are documented on [the dedicated OpenStreetMap wiki page](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Tag:railway%3Dlevel_crossing). **The OpenStreetMap community** [Openstreetmap](https://www.openstreetmap.org/) is the “Mapping Wikipedia”, a coordinated, self-organised global community creating freely usable data. Openstreetmap is today considered to be the most comprehensive open map database in the world. The OpenStreetMap community strives to accurately and publicly describe the mapping specifications of all data created in [OpenStreetMap wiki](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Page_principale). However, no guarantee of quality or completeness is provided. If you identify gaps or data that should be corrected, you are welcome to do so yourself. In France, [the OpenStreetMap France Association](https://www.openstreetmap.fr/) supports the community. Openstreetmap relies largely on volunteer work. If this dataset has been helpful to you, you can support the [OpenStreetMap France association by donating](https://www.openstreetmap.fr/association/). **OpenStreetMap Data Exports** There are several other ways to download data from the OpenStreetMap database: 1. Search [datasets published by OpenStreetMap on data.gouv.fr](https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/organizations/openstreetmap/). The majority of data is updated daily directly from OSM. 2. Use [overpass turbo](https://overpass-turbo.eu) to specify exactly the data to download, worldwide. Formats CSV, GeoJSON, GPX, KML, OSM and more. A more complete but more technical solution. The documentation is available on [OpenStreetMap wiki](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Overpass_turbo). 3. Use another solution. Many export possibilities exist and are listed on [OpenStreetMap wiki page](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Export). **Contact** If you have any questions regarding OpenStreetMap data exports, you can contact OpenStreetmap France volunteers: [[email protected]]([email protected] mailto:[email protected] ) — [https://www.openstreetmap.fr](https://www.openstreetmap.fr/) — Twitter: [@OSM_FR](https://twitter.com/OSM_FR) — Mastodon: [@osm_fr](https://fr.osm.social/@osm_fr) — **Updates** — 19/03/2021: first publication of the dataset. The company Mapbox, which is part of the OpenStreetMap community, has carried out in recent days a work to improve the quality of crossings in France in OpenStreetMap. This upgrade is based on [data published by SNCF](https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/liste-des-passages-a-niveau). Details related to this project are public: [https://github.com/mapbox/mapping/issues/375](https://github.com/mapbox/mapping/issues/375)
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