Please find the list of municipalities that have signed Territorial Revitalisation Operations (ORT) in CSV format.
**Description of columns:
**- commune: the municipality signatory to an ORT agreement,
— EPCI: public inter-municipal cooperation institutions,
— insee_dep: INSEE code of the department,
— region: region,
— insee_com: INSEE code of the municipality,
— if_sign_date_signature: date of signature of the agreement,
— hard_en_years: duration of the agreement (date of effect from the date of signature of the agreement),
— ACV: Action Coeur de Ville (communities benefiting from the Action Coeur de Ville program:
— PVD: Small Cities of Tomorrow (communes benefiting from the program Small Cities of Tomorrow:,
— longitude and latitude: Centroid of the municipality.
The ORT makes it possible to be eligible for a number of enabling legal levers in the context of the revitalisation of territories (example: Denormandie device in the old).
**Producer information:
**This dataset is produced by DGALN and ANCT, based on information provided by DDTs as part of reporting campaigns.
Contact email:
[email protected]
**More information on the Territorial Revitalisation Operation (TRO):
Created by the law on the evolution of housing, planning and digital (Elan) of 23 November 2018, the ORT is a new tool available to local authorities to carry out and implement a territorial project in the urban, economic and social fields, to fight primarily against the devitalisation of city centres.
The ORT aims to rehabilitate a city centre as a whole and facilitate the renovation of the housing stock, commercial and craft premises, and more generally the urban fabric, to create an attractive living environment conducive to the long-term development of the territory.
The ORT is materialised by an agreement signed between the intercommunality, its main city, other voluntary member municipalities, the State and its public institutions. Any public or private person who may support or take part in operations provided for in the contract may also sign it.
An ORT is carried jointly by intercommunality and its main city.
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