Loans of the present monographs of the University library of the University of Paris Nanterre

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2018.01.25 12:57
Available languages
emprunts, etudiant, universite-paris-nanterre, enseignement-formation, lectorat
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Number of loans of monographs kept in the rooms of the University Library of Paris Nanterre by sector, discipline, component and category of readers. * * * The disciplines (approximately 250) are based on the roots of the document ratings (indicated in square brackets). These ratings are assigned by librarians when cataloguing documents following the Universal Decimal Classification (CDU). Rating lending data would have been unusable due to the very large number of ratings used within the institution. The sectors (approximately 50) bring together disciplines for the day-to-day management of the library. **Lexic** The component titles were taken from APOGEE software. List of codes: \- APS: Science and technology of physical and sporting activities \- CEP: Business Relations Centre Permanent Training \- ED1: Doctoral School Letters, Languages and Shows \- ED2: Doctoral School Knowledge, Language, Modeling \- ED3: Doctoral School Law and Political Science \- ED4: Doctoral School Milieux, cultures and societies of the past and present \- ED5: Doctoral School of Economics, Organisations and Society \- ED7: Doctoral School of Sport Sciences, motor skills, human movement \- ITN: IUT off-site antenna in Nanterre \- ITS: IUT Paris Ouest antenna of Saint-Cloud \- ITV: City of Avray \- JAP: Law and political science \- LCE: Foreign languages and cultures \- LLP: PHILLIA (Philosophy, Information-Communication, Language, Literature, Performing Arts) \- MDX: Mediadix — Library Career Training Centre \- OIP: SCUIO-IP (University Information and Guidance Service) \- PAG: Institute of Preparation for General Administration \- SAR: Research Administration Service \- SCO: Education Division \- SEG: Economics, Management, Mathematics and Computer Science \- SFM: University Masters Training Service \- SIC: Industrial systems and communication techniques \- SPE: Psychological sciences, education sciences \- SSA: Social sciences, administration \- TLX: Comete (Optimised Center for Mediaisation and Educational Technologies) The status codes were drawn from the Aleph software. List of codes: \- 01: License \- 02: Master \- 03: Doctoral degree \- 04: Student COMETE \- 06: Student CNAM/CNED \- 07: Student in International Exchange \- 08: Student in prepa competition SUFOM/IPAG \- 09: Resident of Nanterre University Residence \- 10: Non-teacher staff \- 11: Student alternating CREFOP \- 12: Teacher-Researcher \- 13: CEP \- 15: Outdoor reader \- 18: Visiting teacher-researcher **Special observations** The number of loans does not necessarily correspond to the number of documents borrowed in each discipline/sector. The same document may have been borrowed several times. In addition, readers may have changed their status and/or component between the beginning and the end of the calendar year (academic year change). The statutes of readers 06 and 09 to 18 are not students of Paris Nanterre, and are therefore not associated with a component.
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