Local Publicity Regulations (RLP) and Local Regulations of Intercommunal Advertising (RLPI) in Pays de la Loire

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.01.20 06:40
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open-data, passerelle-inspire, grand-public, paysage, donnees-ouvertes, dreal, society, pays-de-la-loire
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Dataset description

The law of 12 July 2010 introduces new regulations for the preparation of advertising poster planning documents in municipalities. Henceforth, the rules for drawing up the local advertising by-law (RLP) must comply with those laid down for the PLU(I) and the entire procedure will be conducted at the initiative of the mayor or the President of the EPCI responsible for PLU(I). These RLPs must comply with current or more restrictive regulations (see Article L. 581-14 of the Environmental Code). The Local Regulation of Intercommunal Advertising (RLPI) is a document for the planning of advertising, signs and pre-brands with a view to protecting the living environment and adapting the National Regulation of Advertising (RNP) to the characteristics of the territory by allowing the establishment of rules more restrictive than those resulting from the RNP. __Origin__ Data collection by DDT from municipalities. __Partner organisations__ DREAL Pays de la Loire [See this page on geo.data.gouv.fr](https://geo.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/d9675aba620c7ab41d489a1fbf3c8f2807975fd2)
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