Location of hospitals in OpenStreetMap

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.05.03 09:46
Available languages
sante, hopitaux, wmts, service-public, magosm, wms, osm, wfs, openstreetmap
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Daily extract of **hospitals** in metropolitan France present in the OpenStreetMap (OSM) open and collaborative database [1]. The layer is available in [MAGOSM](https://magosm.magellium.com/) — accessible via public WMS and WFS services — viewable, searchable and downloadable via the carto portal — analysable over the last 30 days via the Change Tracking Portal **Data model** The OSM attributes used to filter the data are: * amenity=hospital We find in the layer all the objects concerned whether they are mapped in the form of a node, path or relationship in OSM. For polygons and multi-polygons, the geometry provided corresponds to the centroid, the original geometry is available in EWKT format via the attribute ‘osm_original_geom’ and the original type in a column ‘osm_type’. Additional OSM attributes have been selected to enrich the main tags. All attributes prefixed by “osm” (e.g. osm_user, osm_id...) are common properties similar to meta-data on the OSM object. More information about: * the ** hospital-specific data model** on the OSM Wiki page — EN:Tag:amenity=hospital [2] * the **general OSM data model** is documented on the OSM Wiki page — Map Elements [3]. * the **modes and frequencies of use and combination of different attributes** within the OSM community on the TagInfo France service [4] [1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Page_principale [2] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Key:amenity [3] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:%C3%89l%C3%A9ments_cartographiques [4] https://taginfo.openstreetmap.fr **Credits** © OpenStreetMap contributors http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright This data is produced collaboratively under ODbL license which requires identical sharing and attribution mention “© OpenStreetMap contributors under ODbL license” in accordance with http://osm.org/copyright
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