Loi pour une République Numérique - Structures concernées par l'obligation en matière d'Open Data en Région Centre-Val de Loire

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.09.17 12:28
Available languages
open-data, citoyennete-institution, collectivites
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Region, Departements, EPCI (headquartered in the region) and municipalities concerned by the obligation to open their data in the Central Val de Loire Region. With the law for a Digital Republic, known as ‘Lemaire’, promulgated on 7 October 2016, the opening of public data becomes the rule and no longer the exception. Thus, all local authorities with more than 3.500 inhabitants or more than 50 staff must publish, online and in an open standard, their main documents, databases and data of economic, social, health or environmental interest, subject to anonymisation or redaction of information relating in particular to privacy, business confidentiality and national security. The principle adopted by the French legislature is that of open data by default. This means that all databases, all dematerialised documents produced by the community, all data “whose publication is of economic, social, health or environmental interest — and their updates” must be disseminated “in an open standard, easily reusable and usable by an automated processing system”. * * NB: Population 2018 (INSEE- RP) for the municipalities, communities of municipalities, communities of agglomerations, metropolitan areas, departments and regions. * * * * Population BANATIC for other Syndicates and PETR. * * * * The number of staff members is not taken into account and may change the list presented. * * * * * *
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