Main diplomas and trainings prepared in public institutions under the supervision of the Ministry in charge of Higher Education

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2022.09.13 16:23
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licence-professionnelle, ecoles-dingenieurs, ecole-dingenieur, maitrise-de-sciences-biologiques-et-medicales-c2, but, inscriptions, qualification-en-medecine-generale, universites, cpge-integree-a-luniversite, pme, diplome-universitaire-de-technologie, diplome, developpement-economique, capacite-de-medecine, diplome-detat-de-pedicure-podologue, inscrits, habilitation-a-diriger-des-recherches, logement, diplome-detudes-specialisees-complementaires-biologie-medicale, diplomes, batiments, enseignement, diplome-detudes-specialisees-de-pharmacie, licence-lmd, inscription, certificat-detudes-cliniques-specialisees-mention-orthodontie, statistiques, diplome-dingenieur-conjoint, formation, diplome-detat-de-manipulateur-delectroradiologie-medicale, pluripass, diplome-detudes-specialisees-complementaires-medecine-groupe-2, formations-de-sante, diplomes-de-formation-medicale-specialisee, diplome-detudes-specialisees-complementaires-medecine, autres-diplomes-nationaux-niveau-de-formation-bac, emploi, donnees-sexuees, bachelor-universitaire-de-technologie, gouvernement, education, diplome-interuniversitaire-de-specialisation-de-medecine, diplome-detat-dergotherapeute, premiere-annee-commune-aux-etudes-de-sante, capacite-en-droit, recherche, diplome-detat-de-masseur-kinesitherapeute, certificat-detudes-superieures-en-chirurgie-dentaire-b, sise, certificat-detudes-superieures-en-chirurgie-dentaire, diplome-detat-de-docteur-en-medecine, formation-dingenieur-classique, urbanisme, diplome-detat-de-sage-femme-maieutique, master-enseignement, attestation-de-formation-specialisee, formation-dingenieur-specialisee, diplome-detudes-specialisees-complementaires-medecine-groupe-1, certificat-de-capacite-dorthoptiste, diplome-detat-daudioprothesiste, formation-dingenieur-en-partenariat, citoyennete, diplome-detudes-specialisees-de-medecine, diplome-dinstitut-detudes-politiques, attestation-de-formation-specialisee-approfondie, attestation-detudes-approfondies-en-chirurgie-dentaire, master-lmd, administration, maitrise-de-sciences-biologiques-et-medicales, amenagement-du-territoire, diplome-detat-de-docteur-en-pharmacie, diplome-de-formation-medicale-specialisee-approfondie, diplome-detudes-specialisees-dodontologie, diplome-detat-dinfirmier-anesthesiste, finances-publiques, statistique, formations, business, inscrit, certificat-de-capacite-dorthophoniste, liste, etudiants, doctorat-duniversite, diplome-detat-de-docteur-en-chirurgie-dentaire, economie, certificat-detudes-superieures-en-chirurgie-dentaire-a, diplome-detat-de-psychomotricien, equipements
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Dataset description

This dataset presents the list and the number of students enrolled in the main diplomas and trainings prepared in public institutions under the supervision of the Ministry in charge of Higher Education in France for the academic years 2006-07 to 2021-22. In order to meet new needs and to ensure consistency and harmonisation, the structure of this dataset was modified in August 2021 as the dataset updated. [See associated documentation for more information]( It declines this information according to the institution, the location of the training (up to the municipality), the discipline of the training and the sex of the student. The data are taken from the Student Tracking Information System (SISE). Registrations are observed on 15 January, except for the University of New Caledonia, which has additional time to take into account the Southern calendar. Two regulatory provisions impact developments from 2018-19 and create statistical breaks: \- The new National Training Framework (CNF), set up for Bachelor’s degrees. The CNF significantly reduces the number of diploma titles. Some of these titles have become more precise, leading to easier discipline rankings: this is the case for science licenses, less frequently classified as “pluri-sciences”, but more in “fundamental sciences and applications” or “sciences of nature and life”; conversely, other titles are more general, especially in literary disciplines (Licence mention Humanities for example) and are more frequently classified as “pluri-letters, languages, humanities”. The progressive establishment of agreements between high schools with classes preparatory to the Grandes Écoles (CPGE) and the Public Institutions of a scientific, cultural and professional nature (EPSCP), including universities, significantly increases the number of enrolments in LMD licenses from this year onwards, even if double enrolments were already possible and effective before. University registrations include these double enrollments. These two developments mainly impact the staff detailed by discipline in L1, a sector that hosts the vast majority of new entrants. The impact on the total workforce is more marginal. Developments taking into account double listings are of constant regulatory scope. — **For more information on this dataset, see [dataset documentation](**
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