Map — Median tax income* per canton in Alsace — consumption unit (UC) — 2011

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.01.25 01:03
Available languages
canton, revenu-fiscal, unite-de-consommation-uc, carte, revenu-fiscal-median
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Dataset description

Map of median tax income per consumption unit (UC) in 2011 by canton in Alsace. The classification used is natural thresholds (Jenks) in 5 classes. Tax income (source: is the sum of the resources reported by taxpayers on the tax return, first and foremost abatement. It does not correspond to disposable income. Tax income includes income from employment and self-employment, disability pensions and pensions (excluding minimum old age), maintenance payments received (deduction of pensions paid), certain income from assets and taxable social income: sickness and unemployment benefits (excluding RSA). Tax income is broken down into four main categories: \- wage income; the income of self-employed occupations (benefits); \- pensions, pensions and pensions; \- other income (mainly wealth income). Tax income is expressed according to three levels of observation: \- the unit of consumption; \- the household; \- the person. The median of UC’s tax income shares people into two groups: half of the people belong to a household that reports income per UC below this value and the other half has an income per higher UC. This indicator therefore makes it possible to measure the central level of income per UC within an area. The consumption unit (UC) (source: is a weighting system that assigns a coefficient to each member of the household and makes it possible to compare the living standards of households of different sizes or compositions. With this weighting, the number of people is reduced to a number of consumption units (UCs). To compare the standard of living of households, one cannot stick to consumption per person. Indeed, the needs of a household do not increase in strict proportion to its size. When several people live together, it is not necessary to multiply all consumer goods (especially durable consumer goods) by the number of people to maintain the same standard of living. Thus, to compare the living standards of households of different size or composition, an income-adjusted measure per unit of consumption is used using an equivalence scale. The current most widely used scale (known as the OECD) has the following weighting: \- 1 UC for the first adult in the household; \- 0.5 UC for other persons 14 years of age or older; \- 0.3 UC for children under 14 years of age.
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