Map of listed hotels in Île-de-France

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2016.03.12 16:33
Available languages
tourisme, geolocalisation
Quality scoring

Dataset description

List and geolocation of hotels classified from 1 to 5 stars according to Article 4 of the Decree of 23 December 2009 laying down standards and the procedure for classifying tourist hotels — 1 star corresponds to economic hotels\ — Minimum area of a double room must be 9 m², excluding sanitary facilities. These can be private or common. — 2 and 3 stars correspond to the midrange\ — Staff who speak at least one official European language in no more French. — Welcome guaranteed at least 10 hours a day. — Minimum surface area of the double room is 9 m² outside sanitary facilities for 2 stars and 13.5 m², sanitary included, for the 3 stars. — 4 and 5 stars indicate a high-end and very high hotel range\ — Spacious rooms, at least 16 m², sanitary included, in 4 stars, and 24 m² in 5 stars. — In hotels with more than 30 rooms, reception is provided 24 h on 24. — Two foreign languages, including English, are required in a 5 stars. — Room service. — Accompaniment to the room. — Possibility to dine at the hotel. — Other advantages characterise the 5-star, such as a service valet parking, a concierge and equipment specific in rooms such as a safe and access to the Internet. — Air conditioning required. (Source Atout France — Tourist Development Agency of France 24/06/13)
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