MNT littoral Litto3D® — Martinique 2012

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2016.03.08 06:37
Available languages
littoral, mnt, altitiude, topographie, bathymetrie, litto3d
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The national Litto3D® program aims to produce a reference, continuous earth-sea and precise digital altimeter model on the fringe of the metropolitan and ultramarine coastline. It implements airborne laser survey (LIDAR) means to measure depths in hard-to-reach estran areas, in addition to multibeam probes on board ships. Litto3D® describes the coastal strip: — at sea, up to 10 m isobath but not more than 6 nautical miles from the coast; — on land, up to altitude + 10 m and at least 2 km inland. This operation, led by the Marine Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service (SHOM) and the National Institute of Geographical and Forest Information (IGN), was carried out in partnership with the Direction de l’Environnement, de l’Aménagement et du Logement de la Martinique (DEAL) and the Agency for Marine Protected Areas (AAMP). Litto3D® in Martinique is co-financed by the European Union. Europe is committed in Martinique with the European Regional Development Fund. [enter image description here]( “enter image title here”) **_Distribution format:_ ** Litto3D® is available in two forms: a three-dimensional dot seedling (XYZ) and a numerical model of meshed and qualified terrain, structured in 1 km² slabs (ASC). **_Reference systems and projection_:** The data are georeferenced in the Lambert-93 projections for the metropolis and UTM for the DOMs, associated with the legal geodetic system of the area concerned (RGF93 for the metropolis). The altitude system is the legal system of the zone (IGN 1969 for the metropolis). ###**The slabs can be downloaded freely and free of charge from the SHOM broadcast space. **
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