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Dataset information

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2022.06.28 19:32
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Dataset description

### Context France Université Numérique (FUN) led at the end of 2017 a project of MOOC/SPOC survey questionnaires common to the different courses, with the main objectives of better knowing the profiles and expectations of learners (including socio-demographic issues, qualitative questions related to MOOC platforms and their functionalities, questions about online courses and the relevant course, before and after having followed it in depth), and to promote research in education sciences. Exchanges took place, for example, with the European project MOOC Knowledge, as well as in-house within the editorial guidance committee of FUN. MOOC’s start and end questionnaires were thus generalised at the beginning of 2018. In 2019, the MOOCFOLIO project was awarded a call for projects from the Future Investment Programme, which includes the dissemination of data from the project in OpenData. ### Data production The questionnaires contain mandatory fields, identical for all course-producing establishments, courses and sessions of the same course. Questionnaires may also include specific fields added by the pedagogical team. The questions have been drawn up in the light of the work of the MOOC Knowledge project, and are voluntarily harmonised in order to allow cross-analysis according to different criteria (MOOC theme, establishment typology, prerequisites,...) for the entire FUN platform and in a way compared with other platforms. The data are entered directly by respondents, registered at the MOOC concerned, on LimeSurvey questionnaires, by checkboxes or free text. These questionnaires are optional, declarative, and can be partially filled in. A review is carried out within FUN in order to delete fields that may contain directly or indirectly identifying data, according to a procedure set up with the support of the Etalab service of DINUM. ### Content of datasets The data shall include the results of the MOOC start and end questionnaires submitted to registered MOOCs accessible on the FUN platform. The files made available include all courses for the 2019-2020, 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 sessions of the MOOCFOLIO project. They are named according to the institution code and the title of the course. The files are available in CSV format. An index listing all the files is made available.
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