Moorings outside ports in Charente-Maritime

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.03.01 06:39
Available languages
donnees-ouvertes, mouillages, transportation, passerelle-inspire, regions-maritimes, mer-littoral-navigation-maritime
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Location of mooring perimeters outside ports in Charente-Maritime. The request for the creation of a mooring area is at n°#x27; initiative of the municipality in whose territory it is envisaged or any other public or private person, the municipality does not have any; exclusivity. L' authorisation is issued on a precarious and revocable basis and may be withdrawn in whole or in part before #x27; expiry of the term fixed in the #x27th; interest of the occupied domain or for reasons of public interest. __Origin__ The geometry of the OPAH perimeters is constructed by the geometric aggregation of the polygons representing the municipalities concerned by these OPAHs. This class d' objects includes all current OPAHs for which an agreement has been signed. The operational perimeters of ' intervention in OPAH conventions are not modeled by this class of objects. __Partner organisations__ DDT Marne, DDTM Charente-Maritime __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( [See this page on](
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