Morphological cutting of the Île-de-France

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2016.03.12 23:35
Available languages
geolocalisation, urbanisme, communes
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Production specific to the Institute, the morphological division of 1999 is the fruit of an internal methodology. It includes 7 sectors morphological. 1- The center of the agglomeration of Paris: municipalities or boroughs of the agglomeration of Paris (main agglomeration of the Region) Ile-de-France) very urbanised and very dense, responding to both following criteria — the rate of urbanised spaces must be higher or equal to 95 %. human density on built urban spaces must be greater than or equal to 300 individuals per hectare (ind/ha). 2- The dense municipalities of the agglomeration of Paris: municipalities of the urbanised and dense Paris agglomeration, fulfilling the requirements following: — the rate of urbanised space must be greater than or equal to 80 % — human density on urban spaces must be higher or equal to 100 individuals per hectare. 3- The other predominantly urbanised municipalities of the agglomeration of Paris: municipalities of the moderately urbanised central agglomeration and moderately dense, meeting the following conditions: — the rate urbanised spaces must be greater than or equal to 65 % — density human in urban spaces must be greater than or equal to 30 individuals per hectare. 4- Other less urbanised or sparsely dense municipalities that do not make part of previous sectors but included in the agglomeration Paris defined by INSEE. 5- The main municipalities of secondary agglomerations: main medium dense agglomerated municipalities which do not belong to the urban unit of Paris of 2008 (in the sense INSEE) with a density human at least 30 individuals per hectare and one activity human (population + employment in 2008) more than or equal to 5,000 individuals. 6- The other municipalities of secondary agglomerations: the others agglomerated municipalities that do not belong to the urban unit of Paris of 2008. 7- Rural municipalities: all the remaining municipalities constitute the rural area. It is the rural municipalities that, according to the definition INSEE, do not belong to an urban unit. Version: 2
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