Multi-modal counting (Vélo, Trottinette, 2RM, VL, PL, Coaches) — Counting sites and trajectories

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.11.17 16:42
Available languages
velo, comptage-routier, 2rm, mobilite-et-espace-public, auto, moto, iot, comptage-velo, mobilite, trottinettes, dvd
Quality scoring

Dataset description

**Static dataset describing trajectories related to multimodal metering sites (Vélo, Trottinette, 2RM, VL, PL, Buscars).** The City of Paris collects vehicle counting data by: * **moving modes** (Trottinettes, Trottinettes + Bicycles (when the distinction between these two modes of movement is not implemented on the sensor), Bicycles, 2 motorised wheels, Light vehicles < 3.5 tonnes, Heavy vehicles > 3.5 tonnes, Buses & coaches), * ** circulation queue types** (Corona-tracks, Bicycle paths, General circulation routes), * **traffic sense**. These data are constructed using a **artificial intelligence algorithm** that analyses images from thermal cameras installed in public space. ** Images from thermal cameras do not identify faces or license plates. The data thus collected do not present personal or individual data.** No image is transferred or stored on computer servers, the analysis being performed as close as possible to the thermal camera. Only the counting data shall be transmitted. This dataset feeds the metering dataset ******[**Momodal Counting — Countings**]( **Accuracy on the content of the “Trajectory” field:** It is a character string that designates the detection start area (input) and the detection output zone (Enter > Output) **A trajectory is characterised by a traffic direction and the traffic line used by the vehicle in and out.** Example: A bicycle that can enter the detection area of the thermal camera into the bike path and exit the general taxiway.
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