Municipal consumption indicators of soil agronomic potential classes in Languedoc-Roussillon (1997)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.17 06:48
Available languages
donnees-ouvertes, usage-des-sols, planning-cadastre, passerelle-inspire
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Dataset description

Municipal consumption indicators of soil agronomic potential classes in Languedoc-Roussillon (1997) The layer made available is built from the Landscape Map (Base de Data Sols LR) at 1/250 000th and the artificialised spot layer in 1997. Allows in statistical terms to report on the Soil Agronomic Potential Classes (CPAS) deemed to be present in the communal territories and impacted by the artificialised spot in 1997. L' agronomic potential indicator has been calculated for directions & large crops and diversified cultures;. __Origin__ Sols 1994 database (BdSol LR) retired by L'UMR Lisah de l'INRA (at 1/250000) and plated on the communal background (GEOFLA) of the whole Languedoc-Roussillon region. This CPAS layer is then crossed with the artificialised TA97 and TA09 stain layers or the 1997-2009 layer accounting for the evolution of CPAS consumption. __Partner organisations__ DRAAF Occitanie __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [HTML view of metadata on the Internet]( * [associated download service]( * [XML metadata view]( * [basic URL of wms/wfs services on the Internet]( [See this page on](
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