Municipal Land Observatory of the North East Zone of the LANDES Department for 2013 — Beta Version — Aggregated data

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.05.16 06:38
Available languages
oscom, donnees-ouvertes, agriculture-zonages-agricoles, draaf, farming, draaf-na, draaf-nouvelle-aquitaine, occupation-des-terres, passerelle-inspire
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The description of the data is available in the Data Lot Metadata Sheet & Soil Observatory at the Municipal Scale of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region for 2013 — Beta & Quot Version; referenced below and accessible by the following address after insertion in your search engine: The geographical area covered by the data available here is the North East quarter of the LANDES department: — north of d'a line from the commune of Vieux Boucau (40328) to l'west to the municipality of Lussagnet (40166) to l'est — to the east of #x27;a line from the municipality of Mano (40171) in the north to the municipality of Cauna (40076) to the south. When using data from l'Oscom, it is advisable to refer to file N_OSCOM2013_TxVectMajic_040.csv. If the vectorisation rate of the municipalities studied is low, the relevance of the data should be checked before any conclusion. The data is also available in WMS and WFS: Warnings — Position on the address, right click, copy the link address and paste to the WMS, WFS connection dialog box. L' use of?#x27;another method results in the occurrence of#x27; parasitic spaces. — Problems d' display of multi-polygons via l' use of WFS (under resolution) — favour downloading data if there are multi-polygons — WFS display of more than 500 objects via WFS impossible at the moment WMS address for integration into a GIS from Geoide_Carto: WFS address for integration into a GIS (See warning above). __Origin__ The genealogy of the data is described in Part 'Genealogy' from the lot sheet & Soil Observatory at the municipal scale of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region for 2013 — Beta & Quot version; referenced below and accessible via the following address after a copy/paste to your search engine. __Partner organisations__ DRAAF Nouvelle-Aquitaine __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [XML metadata view]( * [Oscom 2013 LANDES map](,6268686,473935,6391424) * [HTML view of metadata on the Internet]( [See this page on](
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