Dataset information
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Dataset description
The open data of My Mobile Network [evolved](
The data on this page is now published via the server [](** The entire history of previously published data is also stored on this server (with the exception of coverage data whose history will be available during the week of 19/12/2022).
The format of the published data changes: harmonisation of file names and field names, evolution of formats, updating of documentation**. In particular, cover maps are now published in [geopackage format]( (recognised by all software that accepts shapefile). All historical data remain in the format in which they were originally published. The missing documentation of already published data will be progressively completed.
[My Mobile Network]( is the mapping platform for all geographic data related to the so-called “mobile” networks (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G) regulated by [Arcep]( This platform aims to [compare the different telephone operators]( to each other and to allow you to choose the one that best meets your requirements in the different places where you may need access to mobile networks.
All data used by the platform is made available in formats standardised as *open data* on this page, thus allowing third parties to use this data, evaluate its reliability, and create new tools. To be notified of the latest updates to the *open data* you can subscribe to the [*newsletter dedicated*](
## Data date:
The most recent data are **Q3 2022 (30 September 2022)**.
Find the [calendar of upcoming publications]( of Arcep.
## Published data:
On this page you will find all the data relating to the following fields:
— theoretical cover maps
— deployment of sites providing a mobile service
— measures of quality of service of the mobile network
— the targeted coverage scheme
— mobile network measurements from *crowdsourcing*
These resources are stored on the server []( in corresponding thematic folders and then by vintage (‘year’ or ‘year_quarter’ according to the rate of publication of the data).
The complete documentation of the datasets is provided in each thematic folder in [markdown] format(, available in an internet browser (extensions allow a page rendering) or a text editor (*Notepad* on Windows, *TextEdit* on macOS, *Notepad++*,...)
The links below link directly to each thematic file, in which the data are broken down by published vintages. In addition, a ‘/last’ directory provides access to data from the last published vintage:
> **Index of/arcep_dones/mobile/sites/**
> ** 2022_T2/** <—
> ** 2022_T2/**
> ** 2022_T3/**
> ** last/** <— 2022_T3)*
> **** <------ *data documentation*
> According to usage, two ways to access the latest available data (here: 2022_T3):
> -
> -
## Frequency of publication of data:
| Files | Frequency of publication |
| — | — |
| Theoretical Cover Cards 2G, 2G3G, 3G | Semestrielle (T2, T4) |
| 4G Theoretical Cover Cards | Quarterly (T1, T2, T3, T4) |
| Sites providing mobile service | Quarterly (T1, T2, T3, T4)|
| Quality of service measures Arcep | Annual |
| Targeted coverage device | Quarterly (T1, T2, T3, T4) |
| Crowdsourcing measurement | Variable |
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