My training account — Involved training

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.11.14 11:31
Available languages
formations-engagees, cpf, moncompteformation, politiques-sociales
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Since November 21, 2019, My Training Account (<>) allows both private and unemployed employees to choose their training as part of a direct purchase path funded with their Personal Training Account (PCF). In order to better define their professional project, if they wish, they can be accompanied by a professional development adviser (CEP), by their region, by a skills operator, or by Pôle emploi. The training courses offered in My Training Account are certified training courses submitted by the training organisations via the EDOF portal. Certification training means any training relating to a certification registered in one of the two national registers administered by France Competences, i.e. the Specific Register (RS) or the National Register of Professional Qualifications (RNCP). In addition to these training courses, there are four legislative exceptions: driving licence, competence assessment, VAE and training for start-ups and takeovers. Since January 2022, training organisations must also have QUALIOPI certification in order to be able to exercise via the platform. The dataset allows you to track the consumption of training by certification in My Training Account. It covers all certifications purchased, i.e. validated by users since January 2020, months of validation after month of validation, whether or not they were subsequently cancelled. The status of the file makes it possible to make the share between the files validated, entered and left from training, closed or even cancelled. The main characteristics of the certification are recalled (title, domain, Formacode) as well as the mode of attendance and location of the training (department, region). The available indicators make it possible to count the number of cases, the number of trainees (or holder, a holder who may have several training files in the same year) and the amounts committed in euros at the time of purchase, with their distribution by large family of financers (France competences, remains a holder, the Employment Department, regions, OPCO, etc.). The average price and duration are also provided for each line, i.e. for each certification, for a given month of validation and for files that at the date of extraction of the dataset have the same status. As the duration is not always provided by the training organisations, the average is calculated on the number of files for which the duration is filled. The update of the dataset is monthly and takes place at the beginning of the month. [Dashboard Involved CPF courses accessible HERE]( [ ]( (!(/assets/theme_image/MIN_Work_Plein_Emploi_Insertion_RVB_reduit2.png)
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