Nantes Métropole algorithms

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Provided by etalab

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.10.26 13:38
Available languages
algorithme, citoyennete-institution
Quality scoring

Dataset description

List of algorithms used by Nantes Métropole. * * * As part of its public service tasks, Nantes Métropole uses automated calculation tools for the allocation of rights, the calculation of aid or a compensation scheme and the drawing up of an invoice. The dataset “Algorithmes de Nantes Métropole” allows interested citizens to obtain the information necessary to understand the functioning of algorithms mobilised by the Community ([Article L.312-1-3]( of the **Code of relations between the public and the administration**). * * * **Additional information:** * Nantes Métropole has chosen to publish this code on its open data portal rather than on a Github or Gitlab forge because the priority objective pursued is transparency towards the public. Improvements are being prepared to facilitate navigation for developers specifically interested in source code. * The published logograms have been developed manually by the various departments of Nantes Métropole or the City of Nantes involved in the algorithmic processing in question. * Unless otherwise specified, source codes of algorithms published in open data cannot be executed in isolation. Indeed, these codes are not “microservices” applications, i.e. the only function of which would be to execute those algorithms. On the contrary, these codes are integrated into complex business applications, which embody many other functions: administer the access rights of the users of the application, manage individual folders, project a user interface, generate reports, etc. * * * For more information, please consult: * [the guide to public algorithms]( of the Etalab mission * [the Metropolitan Data Charter]( of Nantes Métropole
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