Dataset information
Available languages
archives-privees, archives-nationales, archives-publiques, archives, histoire
Dataset description
### To view the hackathon data of the National Archives hackAN2018: [click here](
Created during the French Revolution, the National Archives preserve the public archives of the various political regimes that have followed one another, from the 7th century to the present day, as well as private archives and minutes of Parisian notaries. This is how they collect the archives of the central services of the State, except those of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and the Armed Forces. They also collect the archives of national operators. The private archives complement the archives from the administrations: family archives, archives of political men and women, archives in the fields of the humanities and social sciences, research archives, or archives relating to social and societal fields (popular education, special education, gender archives...).
With the Act of 7 messidor year II [25 June 1794], the publicity and communication of the State archives are established as guarantor principles of the democratic regime. Today, according to the deadlines for communication still shortened by the law of 15 July 2008, anyone can consult, free of charge, the public archives, hundreds of linear kilometers of archives of any kind, parchment or paper, but also sound recordings, digital files. The National Archives are now working to open their archives, enshrining a principle of free of charge for the re-use of public information not subject to rights.
Among these documents, some symbolise major stages in the history of France: the papyri Merovingians, the trial of the Templars, the newspaper of Louis XVI, the oath of the Jeu de Paume, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, the will of Napoleon, the successive Constitutions of France... but also today the first electronic census of the INSEE of 1962, numerical statistical surveys, or even closer to us, office files or couriers of ministerial cabinets.
Collecting, preserving, communicating, understanding and promoting their funds, fostering citizenship learning for young audiences and audiences away from culture are the core tasks of the National Archives.
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