National Base of Parking Locations

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.03.25 09:08
Available languages
accessibilite, transport, pmr, parking, mobilite, tarif, stationnement
Quality scoring

Dataset description

## Context As part of the work of the National Access Point team and the implementation of the opening of data to improve the information available to travellers, the transport offers a simple and structured solution for the opening of parking park data in France:the National Base of Parking Places (BNLS). It is aimed at any new agglomeration that would like to embark on the opening of a base describing the out-of-town parking areas of its territorial jurisdiction. ## Purpose The parking base allows to group together in a single consolidated file the entire parking offer in France, in a standard and unified format. This standardisation of data greatly facilitates the integration of this data by re-user services. The base presents several use cases: — It makes it possible to highlight a community’s parking offer by allowing route calculation services to integrate this data. In particular, this allows these services to offer multimodal routes to their users, combining cars and public transport, for example; — It can also be used to provide greater transparency on the existing parking offer in a city, and the rates charged there. ## Content The database schema was co-built with data producers and re-users. Two open workshops (on [25/04/2019]( and [27/09/2019]( allowed for its production. Today in version 0.1.3, it will be updated soon. Here you will find the detailed documentation of the database schema:[link]( This dataset includes in particular: — geolocation of car parks — the maximum height of vehicles capable of entering at least one parking space — the number of parking spaces (sometimes declined in reserved spaces for subscribers, persons with reduced mobility, electric cars, motorised and non-motorised two-wheeled vehicles) — the SIRET code of the parking facility — the free or paid nature of the car park (sometimes a detail is provided on the hourly price or the price of a monthly/annual subscription) Attention:this dataset does not concern road parking (and are therefore excluded open parking spaces without a barrier restricting access to the car park) ## Consolidation This database comes from the assembly of data files transmitted by many actors. We would like to thank them for their work in standardising the files.The consolidation work is done continuously by the transport team.beta.gouv from files that are published on data.gouv with the tag “parking” or transmitted directly to it by email. ## Update The National Station Station Base is continuously updated by transport.beta.gouv. It publishes on an ad hoc basis new versions of the file as new parking places are identified or updated by data producers. The main dataset file is always the last update. ## Terms of use As indicated in the metadata, this file and its updates are distributed under the ODbL license. This means that you can freely download this database, reuse it, modify it, use it commercially, etc. as long as you mention its source (e.g. in the legal notices of your application) and you share any changes, improvements and corrections under the same conditions as that database (ODbL license). [More information here](
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