National planning of urban planning documents (PLU, CC, PLUi, CC, UNC) — SuDocUH data — Last annual state of play as at 31 December 2022

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Get early access to National planning of urban planning documents (PLU, CC, PLUi, CC, UNC) — SuDocUH data — Last annual state of play as at 31 December 2022 API!

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.02.22 17:31
Available languages
plu, dgaln, icapp, plui, planification, pos, carte-communale, urbanisme, planification-urbanisme, sudocuh
Quality scoring

Dataset description

**The data have been validated as of 31 December 2022.** The data is updated by the department’s decentralised departments (DDT/DDTM/DEAL) through the national SuDoCUH application. The data is updated in real time throughout the year and is subject to verification and consolidation allowing these official results to be published by 31 December of the year. — These data are processed either at the municipality or by the procedure according to the type of document (CC,PLU, PLUi) — The concept ‘SECTORIAL’ (or PARTIEL) relates to third-party urban planning documents (and ongoing procedures) between municipalities which do not cover the TOTALITY of the perimetre of the carrier community. **Evolution of PLU competence since 2012** [enter image description here]( “enter image title here”) [API Sudocuh]( Since November 2021, a web service is in the validation phase, it is currently **only accessible via the rie** network. It makes it possible to interact with the data of the SuDocUH application and thus makes available a large number of “business” data. Treatments are performed at best on the SuDocUH basis at J-1. The update frequency is currently weekly (usually Tuesdays).
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