National Repository of Elected Persons

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.12.16 17:20
Available languages
elections, elections-legislatives, elections-cantonales, elections-municipales, rne, elections-europeennes, elections-regionales
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The purpose of the National Directory of Elected Persons (RNE) is to monitor the holders of an electoral mandate. It is kept up-to-date by the prefectures and high police stations and by the Ministry of the Interior, in particular on the basis of the information provided by elected officials during the registration phase of applications. The NCR data is structured by mandate. Nine files are published here: 1- municipal councillors; 2- community councillors; 3- departmental advisers; 4- the regional advisers; 5- members of assemblies of special status communities; 6- representatives in the European Parliament; 7- Senators; 8- Members; 9- the mayors. An elected representative with multiple mandates will appear in several files. An elected representative with multiple functions will appear several times within the same file (example: a deputy mayor and deputy mayor will appear twice in the municipal councillors register). Files uploaded are updated quarterly. Data relating to the profession are declarative. The professional code framework corresponds to the INSEE benchmark. Requests for rectification must be sent directly by email to the territorially competent prefecture ([email protected]). No request for rectification sent on the platform will be taken into account. The corrections made in the RNE will not be reported immediately on the platform, but will be taken into account for the following publication.
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