The Natura 2000 network comprises:
— the Special Protection Areas (SPAs) for the conservation of wild birds listed in Annex I to the European Wild Birds Directive (79/409/EEC of 25/04/1979 as amended of 30/11/2009 No 2009/147/EC).
— Community Interest Sites (SICs) and Special Conservation Areas (SACs). They are aimed at the conservation of the types of habitats and animal and plant species listed in Annexes I and II of the European Directive & Natural habitats-fauna-flore " (92/43 EEC) of 21/05/1992.
SPAs are the sites designated by the Member States of the European Union under the &quot directive; by ministerial order.
SPAs are part of the Natura 2000 network, a network of community areas for the protection of priority habitats and species. These are marine and terrestrial sites which are particularly suitable for the survival and reproduction of ' species of #x27; wild birds listed in Annex I to this European Directive or which serve as breeding, moulting, moulting, wintering or relay areas to species of #x27; migratory birds.
The file includes Special Protection Areas (SPAs) validated by ministerial order.
SPAs shall be taken into account for Natura 2000 impact assessments.
They concern:
— either the habitats of species listed in Annex I to the Directive which includes endangered species, vulnerable to certain changes in their habitats or species considered rare because their populations are small or their local distribution is restricted or those which require special attention due to the specific nature of their habitat.
— either terrestrial or marine environments used by migratory species not referred to in O#x27; Schedule 1 whose arrival is regular. Particular importance should be given to the protection of wetlands, especially those of international importance.
The SPAs aim at:
— Conserve or restore in a state favourable to their long-term maintenance the natural habitats and populations of wildlife species that justified the designation of the Natura 2000 site.
— Avoid deterioration of natural habitats and disturbances likely to significantly affect wildlife species that justified the designation of the Natura 2000 site.
(definition from: Aten, legal fact sheets 2005)
Continuously updated to DREAL.
Capture Scale: 1/10000th (Orthophotos).
__Partner organisations__
DREAL Franche-Comté
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