Nbre benef APA at home Comm76 2018

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Country of origin
2020.08.03 00:00
Available languages
geospatial, personnes-agees, communes
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Dataset description

This file indicates the number of beneficiaries of the Personalised Autonomy Allowance (APA), residing at their home, paid for 2018, classified according to the commune of the emergency home, in Seine-Maritime. The APA is an allowance for people aged 60 and over who have lost their autonomy (see also Glossary, in metadata).There are no income conditions to benefit from it but the amount allocated depends on the level of income. Metadata [Link to metadata](https://seine-maritime.maps.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/cb41fcef65fb40638ec94340211207e9/data) Additional resources * Website of the Seine-Maritime Department The site “Seine-Maritime.fr” is the official website of the Seine-Maritime Department.It offers various downloadable forms related to the APA (first application, renewal, etc): <HTTPS://WWW.SEINEMARITIME.FR/VOS-SERVICES/PERSONNES-AGEES-1/BENEFICIER-DAIDES/LALLOCATION-AUX-PERSONNES-AGEES.HTML > It also offers a brochure presenting the APA: <HTTPS://WWW.SEINEMARITIME.FR/DOCS/PLAQUETTE-APA.PDF > * Website Data DREES:<HTTP://WWW.DATA.DREES.SANTE.GOUV.FR/> DREES (Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics) is a directorate of the central administration of the health and social ministries. Its website offers, under the Public Reports tab/Senior Persons, Disability and Dependency/The Personalised Independence Allowance (APA), data related to this assistance, by department, since 2002, which can be downloaded in xlsx format, * Website Service-public.fr: <HTTPS://WWW.SERVICE-PUBLIC.FR/PARTICULIERS/VOSDROITS/F10009 > The website “Public Service” is the official website of the French administration, the single portal for administrative information and access to online services, carried out in partnership with national and local administrations.It offers various information on the APA at home as well as a simulator to calculate the amount remaining chargeable after deduction of public aid for accommodation in EHPAD (APA in establishment, see Glossary in metadata) * Site For seniors.gouv.fr: <HTTPS://WWW.POUR-LES-PERSONNES-AGEES.GOUV.FR/PRESERVER-SON-AUTONOMIE-S-INFORMER-ET-ANTICIPER/PERTE-D-AUTONOMIE-EVALUATION-ET-DROITS/LALLOCATION-PERSONNALISEE-DAUTONOMIE-APA > The website “for the elderly” is the national information and guidance portal for the elderly in loss of autonomy and their relatives set up by the government. It offers various APA-related information (access conditions, etc.). The APA is an allowance for people aged 60 and over who have lost their autonomy (see also Glossary, in metadata). There are no income conditions to benefit from it but the amount allocated depends on the level of income. Metadata [Link to metadata](https://seine-maritime.maps.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/cb41fcef65fb40638ec94340211207e9/data) Additional resources * Website of the Seine-Maritime Department The site “Seine-Maritime.fr” is the official website of the Seine-Maritime Department. It offers various downloadable forms related to the APA (first application, renewal, etc): <HTTPS://WWW.SEINEMARITIME.FR/VOS-SERVICES/PERSONNES-AGEES-1/BENEFICIER-DAIDES/LALLOCATION-AUX-PERSONNES-AGEES.HTML > It also offers a brochure presenting the APA: <HTTPS://WWW.SEINEMARITIME.FR/DOCS/PLAQUETTE-APA.PDF > * Website Data DREES: <HTTP://WWW.DATA.DREES.SANTE.GOUV.FR/> DREES (Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics) is a directorate of the central administration of the health and social ministries. Its website offers, under the Public Reports tab/Senior Persons, Disability and Dependency/The Personalised Independence Allowance (APA), data related to this assistance, by department, since 2002, which can be downloaded in xlsx format, * Website Service-public.fr: <HTTPS://WWW.SERVICE-PUBLIC.FR/PARTICULIERS/VOSDROITS/F10009 > The website “Public Service” is the official website of the French administration, the single portal for administrative information and access to online services, carried out in partnership with national and local administrations.It offers various information on the APA at home as well as a simulator to calculate the amount remaining chargeable after deduction of public aid for accommodation in EHPAD (APA in establishment, see Glossary in metadata) * Site For seniors.gouv.fr: <HTTPS://WWW.POUR-LES-PERSONNES-AGEES.GOUV.FR/PRESERVER-SON-AUTONOMIE-S-INFORMER-ET-ANTICIPER/PERTE-D-AUTONOMIE-EVALUATION-ET-DROITS/LALLOCATION-PERSONNALISEE-DAUTONOMIE-APA > The website “for the elderly” is the national information and guidance portal for the elderly in loss of autonomy and their relatives set up by the government. It offers various APA-related information (access conditions, etc.).
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