Neighbourhood, not ZUS, identified as priority by an urban social cohesion contract (CUCS) in Pas-de-Calais

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.29 06:43
Available languages
society, passerelle-inspire, donnees-ouvertes
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The CUCS succeeded city contracts in 2007 as part of the developed territory project for the benefit of neighborhoods in difficulty. Each urban contract for social cohesion designates and delimits one or more sub-communal districts which focus as a matter of priority the aid and actions developed by this contract. These CUCS priority areas may be:- neighbourhoods classified as sensitive urban areas (ZUS) whose perimeter corresponds to the regulatory perimeter of the ZUS, or,- neighborhoods not classified as ZUS whose perimeter is specific to each CUCS (the perimeter of CUCS non ZUS districts n'a no d' legal but contractual basis).These data contain exclusively the non-ZUS districts designated as priority areas by a CUCS having been signed. Other CUCS neighbourhoods (CUCS districts classified as ZUS and non-ZUS CUCS neighbourhoods of former CUCS) are not included. __Origin__ The geometry of 'a perimeter of QUARTIER_CUCS_NONZUS corresponds to an infra-communal sub-assembly of' a city or agglomeration whose perimeter consists of road or street axes and cadastral plots. The perimeters of non-ZUS CUCS neighbourhoods are defined by each CUCS urban social cohesion contract. The prefectures were able to use the DDE and/or DRE to postpone the geometry of neighborhoods outside ZUS to a digital geographical repository. When the contours of the quarters of the same dataset use two different repositories, the field 'sourceGeometrie' given the diversity of CUCS contracts, this postponement has sometimes been able to generate geometric approximations. __Partner organisations__ DDTM Pas-de-Calais __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [COVADIS data standard: Neighbourhood, not ZUS, identified as a priority by an urban contract for social cohesion]( [See this page on](
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