New Aquitaine: Natura 2000 — Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) — Community Importance Sites (SIC) — Perimeters (surfacic)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.10.15 06:38
Available languages
dreal-na, environment, habitats-et-biotopes, passerelle-inspire, nouvelle-aquitaine, grand-public, inventaire-paysage, zonages-nature
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Dataset description

This dataset contains the perimeters of the Special Areas of Conservation (SSC), Sites d' Community Interests (SICs) and Proposals of Sites d' Community Interest (pSIC), of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. These areas are part of the Natura 2000 network, a network of community areas for the protection of priority habitats and species. Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) are marine and terrestrial sites that include natural habitats or habitats of #x27; species of wild fauna and flora the list of which is fixed by order of the Minister in charge of the #x27th; environment and whose rarity, vulnerability or specificity justifies the designation of such areas and therefore special attention. NOTE: the perimeters distributed via this local DREAL layer, are the most up-to-date of; a point of view of the sites; progress of the sites (ecological diagnosis completed, DOCOB validated), but not all have been officially validated by the European Commission (designation in progress). They are given as an indication; to know the official outline, please refer to the MNHN website ( The marine sites are being proposed to the European Commission. The Habitat Directive concerns: — natural habitats of Â#x27; Community importance, that they are in danger of extinction in their natural range, that they have a reduced distribution as a result of their regression or because of their intrinsically restricted range or that they constitute remarkable examples of characteristics specific to the #x27; one or more of the six biogeographical regions (Alpine, Atlantic, Continental, Macaronesian, Mediterranean and Boreal); the habitat types concerned are listed in Annex I. — habitats housing species of Â#x27; Community importance that they are at risk, vulnerable, rare or endemic; the species concerned are listed in Annex II. — landscape elements which, by virtue of their linear and continuous structure or their role as relays, are essential to migration, geographical distribution and to the genetic exchange of the wild species. The DHFF (Habitat Faune Flore Directive) establishes a procedure for the eligibility of site proposals made by the Member States, which provides for a phase of #x27; exchange between the Commission and the Member State (pSIC). At the end of these exchanges, the Commission publishes in the OJEC a list of Community Importance (SCI) sites entitled to benefit from #x27; a designation in Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) by the Member State. __Origin__ A proposal for the designation of a special area of conservation, the Minister responsible for the Environment decides to propose the area for the establishment of the Natura 2000 Community network. This proposal is notified to the European Commission (PSIC). When the proposed area is listed by the European Commission on the list of sites of Community importance (SCI), the Minister of Environment issues a decree designating it as a Natura 2000 site (ZSC). Digitalisation carried out in collaboration between the National Museum of Natural History and the ex-DREAL. Data QUALITY: The entry scale can vary from the 50 cm orthophoto to the 1/100000th depending on the history of the site. A field entered by object allows you to know the input scale for each site. This JDD was created on the perimeter of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region during the work of ' harmonisation of heritage. It is produced from l' assembling data from the 3 former regions Aquitaine, Limousin and Poitou-Charentes. __Partner organisations__ DREAL Nouvelle-Aquitaine __Links annexes__ * [direct download of data]( [See this page on](
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