New Aquitaine partial: Aqueous releases of ICPEs — Receptor environments subject to potentially polluted releases — Taking (surfacic)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.29 06:56
Available languages
polluees, rejets, poitou-charentes, icpe, limousin, passerelle-inspire, eau, donnees-ouvertes, aqueux, nouvelle-aquitaine, masses, aquitaine, structure
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Dataset description

This dataset contains the location of receiving media (surfacic) subject to potentially polluted aqueous discharges from installations classified for the protection of l’'Environment (ICPE) subject to authorisation or registration, in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. ATTENTION: this dataset is not complete on the Nouvelle-Aquitaine perimeter, it concerns the former Aquitaine region. An installation classified for the protection of the environment (ICPE), in France, is an installation operated or owned by any natural, legal, public or private person, which may present dangers or disadvantages for the convenience of residents, health, safety, public health, agriculture, the protection of nature and the environment, the conservation of sites and monuments. In addition, an ICPE is an establishment (installation) that has an activity corresponding to a field d'activity described within;a list of the code of the environment. The classification regime for ICPE (Seveso, Authorisation, Registration, Declaration) is set by a specific threshold for each heading. The location of these masses of water is either by: — the SANDRE code of the mass of receiving water if c' is a direct release to the natural environment (no #x27; third party stakeholder in discharge purification). — the SANDRE code of the station d' receiving purification if c' is an indirect discharge, connected to a collective network. In addition, the same ICPE can have two types of discharges (direct and/or indirect) and impact one or two masses of water. A mass of water may be impacted by several ICPEs. __Origin__ prefectural decrees __Partner organisations__ DREAL Nouvelle-Aquitaine/MiCAT/PIG __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( [See this page on](
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