New Aquitaine partial: Call for projects Territories for Positive Energy for Green Growth (TEPCV) — Country — Perimeter (surfacic)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.28 06:46
Available languages
nouvelle-aquitaine, service-dutilite-publique, pays, tepcv, communication, passerelle-inspire, donnees-ouvertes, energie-positive, poitou-charentes, limousin, croissance-verte, aquitaine, air-climat-changement-climatique
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Dataset description

This dataset contains the Countries (surface objects), concerned by a call for projects Territories for Positive Energy for Green Growth (TEPCV), of New Aquitaine. ATTENTION: this dataset is not exhaustive on the perimeter of Nouvelle-Aquitaine, it concerns the perimeters of the former regions Limousin and Poitou-Charentes. A territory with positive energy for green growth (TEP-CV) is a territory of excellence of the energy and ecological transition. The community is committed to reducing the energy needs of its inhabitants, construction, economic activities, transportation and recreation. It proposes a comprehensive programme for a new, more sober and economical development model. __Origin__ These data are the result of selection, merging, and then of the aggregation of cartographic data from & a choice of #x27; studies and inventories conducted in the region until February 2014. They will be completed as new knowledge is acquired. These studies and inventories are based in particular on: — pre-location by photo-interpretation and/or modelling; — field inventories which do not conclude with certainty that they are wet in accordance with the criteria & vegetation; or & pedology " listed in the Ministerial Decree of 24 June 2008 as amended by the Order of 1 October 2009; — habitat maps "pro parte" listed in the Ministerial Decree of 24 June 2008 as amended by the Decree of 1 October 2009. For more information, it is recommended to consult the report of each study. However, not all of these areas are demarcated at the parcel scale. In order to obtain this level of precision, it is necessary to carry out additional inventories on the ground according to the methodology and criteria set out in the ministerial decree cited above. Finally, these data present only a state of the knowledge currently acquired and cannot be considered exhaustive. __Partner organisations__ DREAL Nouvelle-Aquitaine/MiCAT/PIG [See this page on](
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