New Aquitaine partial: Rental investment — Zonages 123, ABC and DUFLOT device 2013 — Perimeters (surfacic)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.29 06:56
Available languages
zonages-a-b-c, aquitaine, society, poitou-charentes, donnees-ouvertes, zonages-1-2-3, dispositif-duflot, investissement-locatif, nouvelle-aquitaine, passerelle-inspire, limousin
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Dataset description

This dataset contains the perimeters of the 123, ABC and DUFLOT 2013 zone zones of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. ATTENTION: this dataset is not exhaustive on the Nouvelle-Aquitaine perimeter, it concerns the perimeter of the former Aquitaine region. The first zoning for rental investment was created in 1992 with the Quilès-Méhaignerie device, in order to adjust the different ceilings according to the real estate market. This zoning distinguished the Ile de France and the Province. Zoning was then redefined in 1999 with the Besson system in four zones depending on the size of the agglomerations: — Zone Ibis (Paris and neighbouring municipalities) — Zone I (rest of l'Ile-de-France) — Zone II (agglomeration of more than 100,000 inhabitants) — Zone III (remain of France) The zoning was redesigned in 2003 with the Robien device. A new division into three geographical areas (A, B and C) has been adopted, taking into account both the concepts of size of ' agglomerations and tension of the real estate market. In 2006, the refocusing of Robien’s device and the creation of the popular Borloo device were the opportunity to improve the previous zoning by splitting area B into two subcategories B1 and B2. In order to define ceilings corresponding to the tension of the housing market in large agglomerations. The law of 25/03/2009 on mobilisation for housing and the fight against housing; exclusion provides (Article 48): — a limitation of the arrangements of ' tax aid to the private rental investment (the so-called “Robien” and “Borloo”) to dwellings located in zone A, B1 and B2, — a revision of the zoning (classification of municipalities by zone), which is now periodic (at least every three years). A decree of 29 April 2009 published in the Official Journal of 3 May made a revision of the zoning of aid for rental investment in accordance with the tensions of the private rental market. Private rental investment is now limited to areas where housing needs are prioritised and where there are tensions in the rental housing market. Designed to promote investment in areas where demand for housing is real, the new division has brought down into zone B1, cities previously classified as zone A. Declassifications have also been carried out between zones B1 and B2. Until 2011, 3 zones were identified: — zone A: Parisian agglomeration, French Genevois and part of the Côte d'Azur; — zone B: agglomerations with more than 50,000 inhabitants, communes on the edge of l’' Paris agglomerations, municipalities of the departments of #x27; overseas and certain coastal and border municipalities; — zone C: the rest of the French municipalities. The 2011 Scellier device (valid from 1 January 2011) has provided for the creation of a distinction in Area A: — Zone A Bis: this area specifically concerns Paris and some suburban cities The new Zero Plus Rate Loan for 2011 also included a distinction in Zone B, which differentiates: — zone B1: the agglomerations of more than 250,000 inhabitants, the great crown around Paris, some expensive agglomerations (Annecy, Bayonne, Chambéry, Cluses, La Rochelle, Saint-Malo), the perimeter of the Côte d'Azur, the DOM, Corsica and the islands — and zone B2, which includes the rest of the municipalities in zone B not belonging to zone B1 On 1 July 2013, by order of the prefect of the region, the zoning also includes the contours of the municipalities located in zone B2 and benefiting from the device d'intermediate rental investment in the eyes — Dispositif DUFLOT 2013. __Origin__ The geometry of n°#x27;textual, surface, linear or punctual cladding is obtained as a result of the digitisation of the graphic documents of the PLU or POS. The resulting data do not correspond to geographical objects as such. __Partner organisations__ DREAL Nouvelle-Aquitaine/MiCAT/PIG __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [COVADIS data standard: Label covering the plane of'a PLU]( [See this page on](
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