New Aquitaine: Pyrenees National Park (PNP) — Perimeters (surfacic)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.01.24 13:13
Available languages
parc-national-des-pyrenees, espaces-naturels-proteges, nouvelle-aquitaine, grand-public, zonages-nature, sites-proteges, environment, passerelle-inspire, donnees-ouvertes, enp, dreal-na
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This dataset contains the perimeter of the National Park of the Pyrenees, composed of its core park, its area of ​​' adhesion and its optimal area of membership. It is created on the perimeter of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. The National Park is one of the Protected Natural Areas (NPAs) that are designated or managed within an international, community, national or local framework with a view to achieving specific natural heritage conservation objectives. A national park is a vast protected land or marine area with exceptional natural, cultural and landscape heritage. Its objectives are the protection and management of biodiversity and cultural heritage, good governance and the reception of the public. A national park is classically composed of two zones: the heart of the park and an area of ' adhesion. National park cores are defined as the land and/or maritime areas to be protected. There is strict regulation and priority is given to the protection of environments, species, landscapes and heritage. National park cores are part of the protected areas primarily covered by the strategy for the creation of protected areas. They usually correspond to category IUCN II. A national park membership is defined as all or part of the territory of the municipalities which, having a vocation to be part of the national park due in particular to their geographical continuity or their ecological solidarity with the heart, have decided to adhere to the charter of the national park and voluntarily contribute to this protection. Membership is determined by the effective adhesion of the municipalities (while the decree of creation of the national park mentions an optimal area of ​​#x27; membership). When the acceding area is a marine area, it is also designated as the adjacent marine area of the national park. Membership is intended to be an exemplary space for sustainable development. Membership areas are classified as UICN V. Legal references: Articles L.331-1 to L.331-29 and R.331-1 to R.331-85 of the code of the Environment. __Origin__ This JDD was created on the perimeter of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region during the construction of ' harmonisation of heritage, it is produced from l' assembling data from the 3 former regions Aquitaine, Limousin and Poitou-Charentes. The perimeter of a protected natural area is usually represented on a plan annexed to the administrative document creating the site or described literally by a list of administrative units (cadastral parks, municipalities). The national park cores generally concern all or part of the territory of several municipalities. The surface objects of this dataset delimit the whole of the points in the national park cores, not the boundaries of the municipalities concerned. __Partner organisations__ DREAL Nouvelle-Aquitaine __Links annexes__ * [COVADIS data standard: National Park consisting of its core park and area of membership]( * [basketDownloadFrontalParametrage]( [See this page on](
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