Nitrogen dioxide level in the Nantes agglomeration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2014.11.18 03:15
Available languages
pollution, no2, dioxyde-d-azote, niveaux-moyens
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Dataset description

This table contains the annual average nitrogen dioxide pollution levels recorded at measuring stations in the Nantes agglomeration since 2005. NITROGEN DIOXIDE Origins: nitrogen monoxide is formed by a combination of atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen during combustion. This pollutant mainly emitted from the exhaust pipes, quickly transforms into nitrogen dioxide by reaction with oxygen from the air. The industrial manufacture of nitric acid is also at the origin of the formation of these compounds. Temporal evolutions: in connection with their automotive origin, nitrogen oxides present in urban areas, two peaks of pollution, in the morning and in the evening. At the annual scale, nitrogen oxide pollution is higher in winter, when heaters work. Geographical distribution: nitrogen oxides are highest near traffic lanes and downwinds of major discharge establishments. For more information:
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