Noise exposure plan for an aerodrome (Zonage) in the Hérault

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Country of origin
2020.02.29 06:43
Available languages
passerelle-inspire, geoscientific-information, nuisance-bruit, donnees-ouvertes
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Dataset description

The EPB is a document d' urban planning setting the conditions of #x27; land use exposed to nuisance due to aircraft noise. The EPB aims to prohibit or limit construction so as not to increase populations subject to nuisances. It anticipates the development of air activity, the extension of infrastructure and the evolution of air traffic procedures. It includes a presentation report and a map at the 1/25 000 scale showing areas exposed to noise. L' importance of the exposure is indicated by the letters A, B, C, or D. — Zone A: Exposure to very strong noise — Zone B: Exposure to loud noise — Zone C: Exposure to moderate noise — Zone D: Low noise exposure (only for some aerodromes) The decision to establish a PEB is taken by the prefect. The approved EPB is then annexed to the local plan of urban planning. The EPB may be revised at the request of the Prefect or on a proposal from the ECA. The aerodromes to be equipped with a PEB are those classified in category A, B and C. The aerodromes included in a list drawn up by order of ministers responsible for defence, of #x27; urban planning, of civil aviation and of the environment are also concerned. Of the 600 aerodromes in France, 190 d' among them are equipped with a PEB. Legal texts: —Articles L147-1 to 8 and R 147-1 to 11 of the code of urban planning. —Articles L571-13, R 571-58 to 65 and R 571-70 to 80 of the environmental code. —Articles L123-1 to 16 and R 123-6 to 23 of the code of the environment. — Order of 28 March 1988 laying down the list of aerodromes not classified in category A, B or C to be equipped with a PEB amended by the orders of 17/01/97, 4/09/03 and 27/05/05. —Articles L227-1 to 10 of the Code of Civil Aviation The geographical reference used the SCAN25® of l'IGN. It is the only repository usable to allow the use and validity of the PEB as a document d' urban planning enforceable against the third party and approved by prefectural decree. There are recommendations in terms of representation (see Standrd COVADIS) — color code — the data are also intended to be published on intranet and Internet.L' approved PEB paper scale being 1/25000, for use Cartellia, a thickness of noise curves (zone border) must be increased to 25 meters to create the same uncertainty as in the paper plane. This data is available in the directory J:\AMENAGEMENT_URBANISME\N_ASSIETTE_SERVITUDE_T5 with the tables generator and plate of the T5 servitude, paid to the GPU. Stream wms GPU: __Origin__ The boundaries of a zone d’#x27;aira are represented on the map of hazards according to the level of l'random. In other words, polygon objects representing zones d'random form a partial coverage of the studied area of which each cover element is a closed polygon in which hazards have the same level of ' intensity. In other words, the criterion for cutting the zones d'random is the level of l'random. __Partner organisations__ DDTM Hérault __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [COVADIS data standard: Risk Prevention Plan PPRN PPRT]( [See this page on](
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