Nomenclature Emerging Patent Areas

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2017.02.01 11:19
Available languages
structures-de-recherche, technologie-emergente, recherche-publique, brevets, brevet, recherche, patent, referentiel, nomenclature, enseignement, recherche-universitaire, domaines-emergents, organismes-de-recherche, formation, education, atlas-des-brevets
Quality scoring

Dataset description

To identify emerging technological areas, nomenclatures from various sources are used: the EPO, INPI, Eurostat, WIPO and finally OECD[[1]](file:///C:/Projets/Brevets/Atlas/Atlas%202016/Atlas%20des%20brevets%20-%20M%C3%A9thodologie%20et%20d%C3%A9finitions.docx#_ftn1) which has done a precise identification of IPC codes and produced a very fine environmental nomenclature. The following areas are identified: **ICT** **** **biotechnology** **** **nanotechnologies** ****** Environment**: use of the IPC and the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC)[[2]](file:///C:/Projets/Brevets/Atlas/Atlas%202016/Atlas%20des%20brevets%20-%20M%C3%A9thodologie%20et%20d%C3%A9finitions.docx#_ftn2). The Y02 codes concern the environment and climate and are divided into six main areas: General environmental management Water-related adaptation technologies Climate change mitigation technologies related to energy production, transmission and distribution Capture, storage, sequestration or disposal of greenhouse gases Climate change mitigation, transport-related technologies Climate change mitigation, building technologies **Smart city concepts, smart grids** Y02 codes are retrieved in Patstat database * * * [_**[1]**_](file:///C:/Projets/Brevets/Atlas/Atlas%202016/Atlas%20des%20brevets%20-%20M%C3%A9thodologie%20et%20d%C3%A9finitions.docx#_ftnref1) _Eurostat Patent classifications and technology areas ([](\))_ _OEB[]( _OECD Identifying technology areas for patents (‘”)’_ _OEB[]($File/Patentinfo_News_1101_en.pdf)_ — _OEB:[](!/CPC=Y)_ _OECD:[]( (2015)_ _WIPO:[]( (page 158)_ _INPI: smart_city_2014.pdf_ [_ **[2]**_](file:///C:/Projets/Brevets/Atlas/Atlas%202016/Atlas%20des%20brevets%20-%20M%C3%A9thodologie%20et%20d%C3%A9finitions.docx#_ftnref2) _The CPC is an extension of the IPC and is jointly managed by the EPO and USPTO It is divided into nine sections, A-H and Y, which in turn are subdivided into classes, subclasses, groups and subgroups. Created in 2013, the CPC has about 250,000 classification entries, making it a more accurate system._
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