Number of employers’ establishments, employees and private sector payroll, France as a whole x ESS families x NA88 and per year (1998-2021)

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2022.04.04 06:58
Available languages
economie-sociale-et-solidaire, observatoire-eco-masse-salariale, observatoire-eco-effectifs-salaries, emploi, masse-salariale, observatoire-economique, ess, effectifs-salaries
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Dataset description

Number of employers’ establishments, average annual employees and annual wage bill, at the level of France as a whole, by family of the social and solidarity economy and by sector of activity at NA88 level. ► _[DATED]( end of year + ~250 days. _Champ_: private sector employers’ establishments, general scheme, excluding agriculture, excluding Mayotte _Source_: USSRAF _Depth_: Since 1998 _Methodology_ \- The number of institutions is equal to the average of the quarterly counts of these entities. They identify the entities that reported a payroll during the quarter. \- The average annual employee is equal to the average quarterly average workforce of the year. The payroll corresponds to the unfolded basis of Social Security. It therefore excludes elements of remuneration not subject to social security contributions such as short-time work benefits. A sole proprietorship is included in the field only if it pays a wage bill. \- The field of the data disseminated here is the same as [that of the publications of the Urssaf National Fund and Urssaf]( “Competitive field”) on the number of employees and the payroll. This field was modified in connection with the publication of data for the first quarter of 2017 in connection with the new production process of quarterly employment estimates carried out by the Acoss, Dares and INSEE. In this context, the interim staff produced in the publications of the Acoss and Urssaf now mobilise the Dares data. The families of the social and solidarity economy (SSE) are built from the legal category of establishments: 1) Associations: 9210, 9220, 9221, 9222, 9223, 9230, 9260 2) Cooperatives: 5432, 5532, 5632, 5458, 5558, 5658, 6595, 6596, 6100, 5191, 5192, 5193, 5194, 5195, 5196, 5460, 5560, 5660, 5451, 5551, 5651, 6551, 5453, 5543, 5553, 5653, 5552, 5652, 5203, 5309, 5307, 5443, 5454, 5455, 5459, 5505, 5547, 5554, 5555, 5559, 5605, 5643, 5647, 5654, 5655, 5659, 6316, 6317, 6318, 6532, 6543, 6554, 6558, 6560 3) Mutuals: 6411, 8250, 8210, 8290 4) Foundations: 9300 Institutions whose EPA begins with 84 (Public Administration and Defence; compulsory social security) are excluded from the scope of the SSE. [To deepen our methodology](
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