Number of employers‘and employees’ establishments in the private sector, by region x EPA (2006-2021)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.06.10 06:30
Available languages
regions, observatoire-eco-effectifs-salaries, effectifs-salaries, observatoire-economique, emploi
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Dataset description

Number of employers‘and employees’ establishments at the end of the year, by region x EPA. ► _[DATE]( end of year + ~160 days. _Champ_: private sector employers’ institutions, general scheme. _Source_: Urssaf _ Methodology_ ** _Warning (20/01/2022)_**: **** The introduction since March 2015 of the Nominal Social Declaration (DSN), which replaces, inter alia, the Contribution Summary Schedule (BRC), modifies the declaratory information necessary for the calculation of the statistical indicators presented in this publication. The new source makes it possible to calculate the number of staff of institutions on the basis of individual contract data, whereas the aggregate staff of the same institutions, historically present in the BRCs, remained transiently present in DSN. The integration of individual data into the chain of statistical processing of employees, which has been carried out gradually since 2016, was finalised in June 2021 with the publication of the results for the first quarter of 2021. The workforce data are now 100 % of the exploitation of the individual data of the DSN (see [Acoss Stat 325]( In view of these methodological changes, more significant revisions than usual, in particular at the level, can therefore be observed on staffing levels compared to the data previously reported. This dataset is based on the data refreshed in December 2021 on the occasion of the publication of the figures for the third quarter of 2021. —The number of establishments includes all employers who reported a payroll in the last quarter of the year. \- Employees are measured at the end of the year. An establishment can therefore be counted with 0 employees if wages have been paid in the last quarter but there is no employment contract in progress as at 31 December. \- A sole proprietorship is included in the field only if it pays a wage bill. \- The field of data disseminated here is the same as [Acoss and Urssaf publications]( “Competitive”) on employees and wage bills. This field was modified on the occasion of the publication of data for the first quarter of 2017 in connection with the new production process of quarterly employment estimates carried out by the Acoss, Dares and INSEE (see [Acoss Stat n°249]( “Acoss_Stat_249.pdf”), Box 1). In this context, the temporary staff produced in the publications of the Acoss and the Urssaf now mobilise the data of the Dares. However, unlike these publications, the data downloadable here still includes the temporary staff from the Acoss production line based on DSN data. \- The data contained in this game are raw, unlike the quarterly (more aggregated) data disseminated in the short-term publications of the Acoss and Urssaf, which are seasonally adjusted.
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